Home Home-Remedies Homemade tingling treatment

Homemade tingling treatment


To treat tingling naturally, it may be recommended to adopt strategies to improve blood circulation, to have a healthy and varied diet to combat the lack of vitamins, to control diabetes when this is one of the causes of tingling and pricking sensation in certain parts of the body..

Here we indicate some options for natural treatments that can be adopted to combat this symptom, but in any case it is important to discover the cause of the tingling, so that the treatment is directed to this, and have the expected effect. One of the most common causes of tingling is poor blood circulation and direct pressure on the nerve in the arm or leg, but there are other more serious causes like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or herniated disc. See other causes of tingling in the body here.

5 Natural ways to fight tingling in the body

The natural options listed below are excellent for fighting light and transient tingling, caused by poor blood circulation or nerve compression. Are they:

1. Exercises

Practicing physical activity regularly, such as walking, running, weight training or water aerobics, helps fight tingling because it improves blood circulation. It is necessary to have 30 minutes of medium intensity physical activity daily or 3 hours a week to achieve this benefit, the type of activity is not the most important, but one should practice aerobic exercises, such as running or cycling, and also muscle strengthening exercises..

2. Stretches

Stretching exercises should always be performed after physical activity, but can also be performed daily upon waking up, or before going to bed. They increase body flexibility, relieve tension in peripheral nerves, and also reduce stress and anxiety, improving quality of life. See 8 simple stretches to do at work.

3. Massage

Massaging the numb or tingling limb with a cream or gel that warms the area is a good way to quickly eliminate this discomfort. Ointments containing capsaicin or menthol are indicated because they are easy to find in pharmacies and do not need a prescription to be purchased. Rubbing the area quickly is the most appropriate technique for relieving peripheral neuropathy.

4. Food

The most suitable foods are those that improve blood circulation and fight fluid retention. Good examples are citrus fruits, such as orange, kiwi, pineapple, beet, lemon and yogurt. Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory foods are also indicated, such as chestnuts, salmon, garlic and onions. When the tingling is caused by a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to consume vitamins A, B and D.

Some plants can be used to improve blood circulation and prevent symptoms of cramps and tingling, such as gorse and dandelion, which can be used in tea form, and also cayenne pepper, which can be used as a spice meat, for example. In addition, it is also recommended to avoid the consumption of excess salt and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture rebalances energies and improves blood circulation in the treated region, and therefore can also be indicated to combat tingling. As this type of alternative therapy is also able to fight pain, when it is present, it can be a solution.

When to go to the doctor

Most of the time the tingling is not serious, nor does it represent any urgent health problem, being relieved with the above strategies. However, as peripheral neuropathy, which is the scientific name for tingling in the body, has several causes. If this symptom is frequent, it is recommended to go to the general practitioner to investigate its causes and start appropriate treatment.

Homemade tingling treatment