Home Home-Remedies Home treatments to remove acne scars from the face

Home treatments to remove acne scars from the face


Two excellent options for home treatments to completely eliminate the marks left by the pimples are the exfoliation with sugar or coffee, which can be done during the bath, being a good option for those who have few and smooth acne scars on the face; and treatment with Dermaroller, which is more suitable for eliminating acne scars, in greater quantities and deeper.

For best results it is recommended to use a sunscreen daily and a diet rich in vitamin E and C, because these vitamins are essential for skin health.

Option 1. Homemade scrub

This skin exfoliation can be done once a week with a mixture of sugar or coffee and almond oil, because it removes the most superficial layer of the skin leaving the skin more uniform and with less scarring.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, sugar, and salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in a glass and mix well. Then rub the mixture on the acne-scarred areas with circular movements for 3 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Then dry with a soft towel and moisturize your skin with a face cream, recommended for your skin type.

Option 2. Use Dermaroller

Another possibility is to apply the Dermaroller on the skin every 20 or 30 days. This treatment consists of passing on every face a small device called DermaRoller that can be purchased at beauty stores or online. It contains between 200 and 540 needles in a row, which when passing through the skin make small holes, facilitating the action of healing creams or serums.

The small holes also promote the production of new collagen fibers, being an excellent treatment to give more firmness to the skin and eliminate the depressions caused by the scars, leaving the skin more uniform. This roller can be found with needles of size 0.3 to 2 mm, and for home application it is better to choose the 0.3 or 0.5 mm because they are not so deep and have less risk of infection.

After passing the roller over the entire face, or only in the desired areas, it is normal for the skin to become swollen and red, making it necessary to apply creams to accelerate healing and to be calming.

Dermaroller walkthrough

See the step by step on how to use the dermaroller correctly to end acne scars:

Home treatments to remove acne scars from the face