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Everything you need to know about sexually transmitted infections


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), which were previously known as STDs, such as gonorrhea or AIDS, can arise when you have sex without a condom, either through intimate vaginal, anal or oral contact. However, the chances of contagion increase when you have several partners in the same period of time, and these diseases affect men and women of all ages equally.

Generally, these infections cause symptoms that affect the genitals, such as pain, redness, small wounds, discharge, swelling, difficulty urinating or pain during intimate contact and, to identify the correct disease, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist or urologist, to do specific exams.

For treatment, the doctor usually recommends the use of antibiotics or antifungals in the form of pills or ointments, since most STIs are curable, with the exception of AIDS and herpes. The following are the symptoms and forms of treatment for all STIs, also called sexually transmitted infections and venereal diseases.

1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia can cause symptoms such as yellow and thick discharge, redness in the genitals, pain in the pelvis and during intimate contact, but in many cases the disease does not cause symptoms and the infection goes unnoticed.

The disease, which is caused by a bacterium, can be caused by unprotected intimate contact or by sharing sex toys, for example.

How to treat: Usually, treatment is done with antibiotics such as Azithromycin or Doxycycline. Find out more details about chlamydia.

2. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a disease caused by bacteria, also known as warm-up, which can occur in men and women and is transmitted by unprotected intimate contact or through the sharing of sex toys.

The bacteria can cause pain when urinating, yellowish discharge similar to pus, vaginal bleeding outside menstruation, abdominal pain, red pellets in the mouth or pain during intimate contact, for example.

How to treat: the treatment must be done with the use of Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin and, if not done, it can affect the joints and blood and can be life-threatening. See other treatments that can strengthen the immune system with echinacea tea and help treat the infection.

3. HPV - Genital warts

This infection is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), which leads to the growth of lesions on the skin of the genitals of men or women that may have a smooth or rough texture, a color that varies with skin tone and does not cause pain but is contagious.

How to treat: genital warts have no cure, as the HPV virus remains dormant in the body, however there is treatment with the application of ointments such as Aldara or Wartec on the warts. Crises can arise due to excessive alcohol consumption, high tiredness and stress, for example.

Learn how to do sitz baths to complement the treatment for genital warts.

4. Genital herpes

Genital herpes is an easily transmitted disease, caused by the cold sore virus and causes small red pellets on the skin very close to each other, containing a liquid rich in viruses, yellowish in color and with redness around it that causes itching, mainly affecting the thighs, anus and genitals. In addition, they can cause fever and pain when urinating and discharge in the case of women. Know all the symptoms that genital herpes can cause.

How to treat: treatment should be done with drugs such as Acyclovir, Valacyclovir or Famciclovir, helping to reduce the discomfort caused by the symptoms, as the infection has no cure and the symptoms can take up to 20 days to disappear. Know other natural strategies to complement the treatment for genital herpes.

5. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite that causes symptoms such as grayish or yellowish-green and frothy discharge with a strong and unpleasant stench, in addition to causing redness, severe itching and swelling of the genitals. Learn how to distinguish trichomoniasis symptoms in men and women.

The infection is uncommon and can also be transmitted by sharing wet towels, bathing or using a jacuzzi and the treatment is done with the use of Metronidazole.

How to treat: usually the treatment of this infection is done with the use of antibiotics, such as Metronidazole or Tioconazole, for 5 to 7 days. If treatment is not done, there is a greater chance of developing other infections, having a premature birth or developing prostatitis.

6. Syphilis

Syphilis is a disease that causes wounds and red spots on the hands and feet that do not bleed or cause pain, in addition to causing blindness, paralysis and heart problems, and the transmission also occurs through transfusion of contaminated blood and sharing syringes or needles. and, the first symptoms appear 3 and 12 weeks after infection. See more syphilis symptoms.

How to treat: The treatment is done with remedies like Penicillin G or erythromycin and, when done correctly, there are chances of cure.


AIDS causes symptoms such as fever, sweating, headache, sensitivity to light, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea and the disease has no cure, only treatment to reduce symptoms and increase time and quality of life.

How to treat: Treatment is done with antiretroviral drugs, such as Zidovudine or Lamivudine, for example, which are provided free by SUS. These drugs fight the virus and strengthen the immune system, but do not cure the disease.

Find out all about this disease in the video:

How do I know if I have an STI

The diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease can be made based on the symptoms and observation of the genitals, being confirmed through tests, such as the pap smear and the Schiller test, for example.

In addition, the doctor may order a blood test to check the cause of the disease and indicate the most appropriate treatment.

When it is necessary to repeat the exams

When the woman or man has a sexually transmitted disease, the doctor recommends performing medical tests at least every 6 months for about 2 years, until the result of 3 tests in a row is negative.

During the treatment phase it may be necessary to go to the doctor several times a month to adjust the treatment and cure the disease, if possible.

Ways of contagion of STIs

STIs, in addition to being transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, can be transmitted:

  • From mother to child through blood during pregnancy, breastfeeding or during childbirth, sharing syringes, sharing personal objects such as towels;

In some very rare cases, the development of the disease can occur through blood transfusion.

How not to get an STI?

The best way to avoid becoming contaminated is to use a condom in all relationships, in intimate vaginal, anal and oral contact, as contact with secretions or the skin can transmit the disease. However, it is essential to put a condom on correctly before any contact. Know how:

  • Place the male condom correctly; Use the female condom.

What can happen if treatment is not done?

When STIs are not treated correctly, more serious problems such as cancer of the uterus, infertility, heart problems, meningitis, abortion or fetal malformations, for example, may arise.

Check out a great home remedy that helps complement the treatment here.

Everything you need to know about sexually transmitted infections