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All about non-invasive liposuction


Non-invasive liposuction is an innovative method that uses a specific ultrasound device to eliminate localized fat and cellulite. It is non-invasive because it does not use procedures considered invasive, such as using a needle, nor is it surgery. In fact, non-invasive liposuction refers to the aesthetic treatment called lipocavitation, which can be performed in aesthetic treatment clinics by a professional qualified as a dermatologist or physiotherapist specialized in functional dermato.

Lipocavitation, as it should be called, is a procedure that does not cause pain or discomfort and can be performed weekly, for 7-20 sessions depending on how many areas you want to treat and the amount of fat you want to eliminate. This type of aesthetic treatment is especially indicated for those who are within the right weight, or very close to the ideal, but have localized fat.

Its result can be seen in the first treatment session, but it is progressive.

How is noninvasive liposuction done

Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to make a thorough body assessment, demarcating all areas that will be treated. Then the therapist must apply a gel and then start the treatment, moving the ultrasound in circular movements throughout the treatment time, which can vary from 30-45 minutes per region. For the procedure to be carried out achieving optimal results, it is necessary to fold the fat and then slide the equipment over it. This type of treatment has no health risks, does not increase cholesterol, nor can it cause burns.

Non-invasive liposuction can be done in practically all areas of the body that accumulate fat, such as the abdominal region, flanks, thighs, buttocks, arms, legs and bra line. However, in the area close to the eyes and the breasts it cannot be performed.

When can I see the final result?

The result is visible right after the first treatment, where you can notice a reduction of 3-5 cm, but the result is becoming more and more visible the more treatments you carry out, so the final result is only achieved after all the treatments. sessions.

This technique breaks the membrane of adipocytes, which are the cells that store fat, and this is eliminated naturally by the body, through the lymphatic system. The mobilized fat does not fall into the bloodstream so there is no risk of an increase in cholesterol and the accumulation of atheromatous plaques inside the arteries.

How many sessions to do

It is recommended between 8 to 10 sessions of lipocavitation, which can be performed with an interval of 1-2 times a week. Usually each session lasts between 30-45 minutes depending on the location and the amount of fat deposited.

How to enhance results

To complete this treatment, it is necessary to have a manual lymphatic drainage or pressotherapy session, and to practice some moderate to high intensity exercise, up to 48 hours after the procedure. Thus, the body can spend the fat that was removed from the fold, not settling in again.

It is also necessary to drink 2 liters of water or green tea, without sugar or sweetener, throughout the day, in addition to having a healthy diet, and free from fat and sugar.

All about non-invasive liposuction