Home Bulls Vincristine



Vincristine is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Oncovin.

This injectable drug is used to treat individuals with different types of cancer including leukemia, lung and breast cancer. Its action consists of interfering with the metabolism of amino acids and preventing cell division, decreasing the probability of cancer spreading through the body.

Indications of Vincristine

Leukemia; neuroblastoma; Wilms' tumor; Breast cancer; lung cancer; Ovary cancer; cervical cancer; colorectal cancer; Hodgkin's lymphoma; Ewing's sarcoma; osteorsacoma; malignant melanoma; mycosis fungoides; ovarian tumor.

Vincristine Price

The 1mg box of Vincristine costs approximately 40 reais.

Side Effects of Vincristine

Hair loss.

Contraindications for Vincristine

Pregnancy risk D; lactating women; Severe bacterial infection; Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome; bowel obstruction.

How to use Vincristine

Injectable Use


  • Administer 0.01 to 0.03 mg of Vincristine per kg of body weight as a single dose. The procedure must be done every 7 days.


  • Above 10 kg: Administer 1.5 to 2 mg of Vincristine square meter of body surface as a single dose. The procedure must be done every 7 days. With 10 kg or less: Administer 0.05 mg of Vincristine per kg of body weight, as a single dose. The procedure must be done every 7 days.