Effervescent 1g vitamin C is indicated for the prevention and treatment of this vitamin deficiency, which has numerous benefits and is available in pharmacies with the trade names Redoxon, Cebion, Energil or Cewin, for example, with a price that can be between 9 and 14 reais.
In some cases, dietary supplements with vitamin C may contain other substances, such as zinc, vitamin D or echinacea, for example, which also strengthen the immune system.
What are the benefits
Vitamin C works as an important antioxidant vitamin, which participates in several metabolic reactions in the body, such as the metabolism of folic acid, phenylalanine, tyrosine, iron, histamine, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and carnitine.
This vitamin is also very important in the synthesis of collagen, which is why it is often present in collagen supplements. Collagen is essential for maintaining skin, mucous membranes, bones, teeth and preserving the integrity of blood vessels.
In addition, it also plays a fundamental role in the functioning of the immune system, since it contributes to the protection of cells against the action of free radicals, as well as reactive oxygen species, which are generated by the inflammatory response. Vitamin C is also necessary for the proper functioning of white blood cells, their movement, elimination of viruses and bacteria and wound healing.
See the main symptoms of lack of vitamin C.
What is it for
For all its benefits, effervescent vitamin C is indicated as a vitamin supplement in the following situations:
- Reinforcement of the immune system, in cases of colds and flu, for example; Antioxidant; Healing; Assist in chronic diseases; Restrictive and inadequate diets;
In addition, it can also be used as an aid in anemias with a lack of some vitamin or mineral. Know the main types of anemia and how to treat each one.
How to take
Generally, effervescent vitamin C is available in different doses, and may be associated with other substances, such as zinc or vitamin D and the dosage must be determined by the doctor according to the need, the person's clinical history and age. There are also vitamin C formulations that can be given to children and pregnant women, who have lower dosages.
The dosage of effervescent Vitamin C in adults and children over 12 years old is 1 effervescent tablet, which is equivalent to 1g of vitamin C per day, diluted in a glass of water with about 200 mL, at any time. However, before doing this treatment, you should talk to the doctor first.
Who should not use
Effervescent vitamin C should not be used in people who are allergic to any of the drug's components, people with a history of kidney stones due to oxalate or with elimination of oxalate in the urine, people with severe renal failure or kidney failure, with hemochromatosis or under 12 years old.
In addition, it should also not be used in pregnant women or breastfeeding women, unless directed by the doctor.
Possible side effects
Although rare, some side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and gastrointestinal and abdominal pain and allergic reactions can occur.