Home Bulls Wartec (podophyllotoxin): what it is and what it is for

Wartec (podophyllotoxin): what it is and what it is for


Wartec is an antiviral cream that has podophyllotoxin in its composition, indicated for the treatment of genital and anal warts in adults, men and women.

This product must be applied with great care, as indicated by the dermatologist, in order to avoid injury to the regions of the skin that is healthy.

What is it for

Wartec is indicated for the treatment of warts located in the perianal region, in both sexes and in the external female and male genitalia.

How to use

The method of use of Wartec should be guided by the doctor, and, generally, the application is made twice a day, in the morning and at night, for 3 days in a row, and you should stop applying the cream during the following 4 days.. If after 7 days the wart does not come out, another treatment cycle should be started, up to a maximum of 4 cycles. If any wart remains after the 4 treatment cycles, consult a doctor.

The cream should be applied as follows:

  • Wash the affected area with soap and water and dry well; Use a mirror to observe the area to be treated; Using your fingertips, apply a sufficient amount of cream to cover each wart and let the product absorb; Wash your hands after application.

If the cream comes into contact with healthy skin, the area should be washed immediately, in order to avoid injuries.

Possible side effects

Side effects of Wartec include irritation, tenderness and burning on the second or third day of treatment. Increased skin sensitivity, itching, burning, redness and ulcers may also occur.

Who should not use

Wartec is contraindicated in women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, while breastfeeding, in babies or young children, in open wounds and in patients who have already used any preparation with podophyllotoxin and had an adverse reaction.

Wartec (podophyllotoxin): what it is and what it is for