Home Bulls Zuclopentixol



Zuclopentixol is the active substance in an antipsychotic medication known commercially as Clopixol.

This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and mental retardation.

Indications for Zuclopentixol

Schizophrenia (acute and chronic); psychosis (especially with positive symptoms); bipolar disorder (manic phase); mental retardation (associated with psychomotor hyperactivity; agitation; violence and other behavioral disorders); senile dementia (with paranoid ideation, confusion and / or disorientation and behavioral changes).

Zuclopentixol price

The 10 mg box of Zuclopentixol containing 20 tablets costs approximately 28 reais, the 25 mg box of the medicine containing 20 tablets uses approximately 65 reais.

Side Effects of Zuclopentixol

Difficulty performing voluntary movements (occurs in long-term treatments and interruption of treatment is recommended); somnolence; dry mouth; urination disorders; intestinal constipation; increased heart rate; dizziness; pressure drop when changing position; transient changes in liver function tests.

Contraindications for Zuclopentixol

Pregnant or lactating women; hypersensitivity to any of its components; acute alcohol intoxication; barbiturate or opiate; comatose states.

How to use Zuclopentixol

Oral use

Adults and Seniors

The dose should be adjusted according to the patient's condition, starting with a small dose and increasing it until reaching a desired effect.

  • Acute schizophrenia; acute psychosis; severe acute agitation; mania: 10 to 50 mg per day. Schizophrenia in moderate to severe cases: initially 20 mg per day; increase, if necessary, by 10 to 20 mg / day every 2 or 3 days (up to 75 mg). Chronic schizophrenia; chronic psychosis: The maintenance dose should be between 20 to 40 mg per day. Agitation in a schizophrenic patient: 6 to 20 mg per day (if necessary, increase to 20 to 40 mg / day), preferably at night.