Home Home-Remedies 3 Home remedies for prolonged menstruation

3 Home remedies for prolonged menstruation


Drinking kale juice with oranges, raspberry tea or herbal tea is a natural way to regulate menstruation, avoiding large blood losses. However, heavy menstruation, which lasts more than 7 days, should be investigated by the gynecologist because it can be a sign of diseases, such as endometriosis and myoma, and because it can cause anemia.

See how to prepare each of the following recipes.

1. Cabbage juice with orange

A good home remedy to help treat heavy and painful menstruation is kale because it helps to ease cramps and symptoms of premenstrual tension.


  • 1 cup of natural orange juice 1 leaf of kale butter

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Filter and drink next. This home remedy should be taken on an empty stomach during the first 3 days of menstruation to have greater benefits.

Another possibility is to eat a cabbage leaf cooked only in water and salt, in the first days of menstruation.

2. Raspberry leaf tea

Tea made from raspberry leaves is also an excellent natural remedy to control heavy menstruation because this tea has a toning action on the uterus.


  • 1 teaspoon of raspberry leaves or 1 sachet of raspberry leaves 1 cup boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the raspberry leaves to the boiling water, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain, sweeten with honey to taste and initially drink 1 cup of tea a day, gradually increasing to 3 cups of tea a day.

3. Herbal tea

Women who suffer from excessive menstruation can benefit from taking a natural herbal remedy.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of the hors d'oeuvres and 1 tablespoon of oak bark.

Method of preparation:

Put all these herbs in a container and cover with 3 cups of boiling water. When it cools, strain and drink 3 to 4 cups of this tea a day for the 15 days before menstruation.

In cases where the woman suffers from excessive menstruation every month, she should make an appointment with a gynecologist to assess the situation, as the loss of large amounts of blood during menstruation can lead to anemia and it can be caused by example, for a uterine fibroid, and should be treated as soon as possible.

3 Home remedies for prolonged menstruation