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How to make a homemade scrub


With simple and natural ingredients such as sugar, honey and cornmeal it is possible to make excellent homemade scrubs that can be used weekly to cleanse the skin more deeply.

Exfoliation is a technique that consists of rubbing a substance on the skin that has microspheres that do not dissolve. This opens the pores a little more and eliminates impurities, removing dead cells and leaving the skin ready to be hydrated. Thus, the moisturizer is able to penetrate even more into the skin and the result is even better because it leaves the skin smoother and softer and also helps to achieve a uniform tan.

To prepare a good homemade scrub for your skin type, see the following steps:


1. Homemade scrub for combination or oily skin:

  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

2. Homemade scrub for dry skin:

  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of almond oil, and 3 drops of mint essential oil.

3. Homemade scrub for sensitive skin:

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the milk, sugar, salt and pepper, and season with salt and pepper.

4. Homemade scrub for children:

  • 1 spoon of natural yogurt 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of coffee grounds

Method of preparation

All ingredients should be mixed in a clean container and mixed until they form a consistent paste.

To use, just apply the scrub on the skin of the body or face, making circular movements. In addition, you can use a piece of cotton to help rub the skin, always with circular movements. These natural scrubs can also be used on the elbows, knees, hands and feet.

Even children over 6 years old can receive a skin exfoliation, but especially in areas where the skin is naturally drier and rougher like the knees. During application it is recommended not to rub the child's skin too much, so as not to hurt or cause pain. Exfoliation in childhood can happen sporadically, when the parents feel the need, and when the child has very rough and dry knees, for example.

Main benefits of exfoliation for skin

The exfoliation on the skin increases blood circulation and stimulates the renewal of the cells on the skin surface, which is full of keratin, which leaves it dry and without vitality and with that the skin is more beautiful and rejuvenated.

In addition, exfoliation facilitates the penetration of moisturizing substances, which is why after exfoliation the skin needs to be hydrated with cream, moisturizing lotion or mineral or sweet almond oil, for example.

How to make a homemade scrub