Home Bulls What is the use of tramal (tramadol hydrochloride)

What is the use of tramal (tramadol hydrochloride)


Tramal is a drug that has tramadol in its composition, which is an analgesic that acts on the central nervous system and is indicated for the relief of moderate to severe pain.

This medicine is available in drops, tablets, capsules and injection, and can be purchased in pharmacies, for a price of about 50 to 90 reais, upon presentation of a prescription.

How to use

The dosage depends on the dosage form being used.

1. Capsules and pills

The dosage of 50 mg capsules and 100 mg tablets should be determined by the doctor and the recommended dose should be the lowest possible to produce analgesia, which can vary from 50 to 400 mg / day.

2. Oral solution

The dosage should be determined by the doctor and the recommended dose should be the lowest possible to produce analgesia. For adults and young people over the age of 16, the recommended dose varies between 20 and 160 drops per day, which is equivalent to 50 to 400 mg / day, respectively.

3. Solution for injection

The injectable must be administered by a health professional and the recommended dose must be calculated according to the weight and the intensity of the pain.

Who should not use

Tramal should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to tramadol or any component of the product, people who have or have had MAO-inhibiting drugs in the last 14 days, with uncontrolled epilepsy with treatment or who are undergoing withdrawal treatment narcotics or acute alcohol intoxication, hypnotics, opioids and other psychotropic drugs.

In addition, it should also not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers without medical advice.

Possible side effects

Some of the most common side effects that can occur during treatment with Tramal are headache, drowsiness, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, excessive sweating and fatigue.

Is Tramal the same as morphine?

No. Tramal contains tramadol which is a substance extracted from opium, as well as morphine. Although both opioids are used as analgesics, they are different molecules, with different indications, and morphine is used in more extreme situations.

What is the use of tramal (tramadol hydrochloride)