Vacuotherapy, also known as endermologia or endermoterapia, is one of the forms of treatment for cellulite and consists of using a device that slides and sucks the skin to be treated, promoting a rhythmic mechanical massage, which reduces the nodules and improves the appearance of the butt. and thighs, fighting cellulite.
The endermology when detaching the skin from the muscle promotes the breakdown of fibroses that remain in the adipose tissue, improves lymphatic circulation, increases oxygenation and releases toxins, with a decrease in the appearance of cellulite. The use of vacuum in the treatment of cellulite also improves cell nutrition by promoting the creation of new small blood vessels, in addition to having a toning and firming effect. See other applications of this technique in: What Vacuotherapy is and what it is for.
How to make
Vacuotherapy treatment should be carried out about once a week in a clinic or beauty center, and a vegetable oil must be applied to the skin, to allow a better sliding of the device. It is recommended that the device be slid with slow, smooth, rhythmic maneuvers towards lymph vessels and lymph nodes.
How many sessions to do
For the treatment of cellulite, 8-15 endermology sessions are recommended, lasting 20-40 minutes. After treatment, to reduce pain, discomfort and local redness, an ice pack can be applied for 5-10 minutes to the treated area.
If during the treatment the vacuum pressure causes a lot of discomfort, the therapist can be asked to decrease the vacuum intensity, to relieve the pressure and the treatment becomes more comfortable
How to enhance results
To combat cellulite, it is also recommended to follow some important guidelines on a daily basis, such as drinking about 2 liters of water a day, or unsweetened green tea, eating well, eating little fat and sugar, and exercising regularly. To burn fat, exercise should be performed daily, with moderate to high intensity for 60-90 minutes. When recommending exercises that involve legs and glutes, better results are observed.
Watch the video below and learn what else you can do at home:
Treatment contraindications
Vacuum treatment is contraindicated in case of:
- Hypertension, because there may be a small increase in blood pressure; Phlebitis and thrombosis, Skin injury, such as open wound, inflammations and bruises; Active infections, Pregnancy, on the abdominal and lumbar region; Take anticoagulant drugs, such as aspirin, because it increases the risk of bleeding; Varicose veins, because it can aggravate the situation, and therefore the treatment can only be carried out around the varicose vein; Hernia in the place, because it can aggravate the herniation, and also the umbilical region should never be treated because umbilical hernia can arise; Cardiac pacemaker, because it can interfere with heart rate; Poor tolerance to pain.
It should also not be performed on people who are easily able to develop bruises.