Home Pregnancy Advantages of normal birth for mother and baby

Advantages of normal birth for mother and baby


Normal delivery is the most natural way to give birth but many women are afraid of pain, however it is possible to have a normal delivery completely without pain, through epidural anesthesia or using other non-pharmacological methods, such as immersion bath, walking, massage or acupuncture.

However, one of the most important steps in order to have a normal delivery without problems is to make prenatal consultations toads, as it helps the doctor to know if there is something that prevents normal delivery, such as an infection or alteration in the baby, for example. example. But if everything is fine with the mother and the baby, there are no contraindications for normal birth and just let nature act.

Advantages of normal birth for the mother

The benefits of normal delivery for the mother include faster recovery and shorter hospital stays. While mothers who have had a cesarean need to stay at least 4 days in the hospital, those who have had a normal birth can go home with 3 days. Other advantages are:

  • Lower risk of infection; Favored breast milk production; Sentimental bonds with the baby occur more easily; The uterus returns to its normal size more quickly.

In addition to each normal delivery, the labor time is shorter. Usually the first labor lasts about 12 hours, but after the second pregnancy, the time can decrease to 6 hours, but there are many women who can have the baby in 3 hours or less.

Advantages of normal birth for the baby

The benefits of normal birth for the baby include:

1. Easier to breathe: When passing through the vaginal canal, your chest is compressed and this makes the fluids from inside the lung to be expelled more easily.

2. More activity at birth: The baby also benefits from the hormonal changes that occur in the mother's body during labor, making it more active and responsive at birth. Babies who are born by normal delivery when the umbilical cord is not yet cut and are placed on the mother's belly are able to crawl up to the breast to breastfeed, without needing any help.

3. Greater receptivity to touch: During the passage through the vaginal canal, the baby's body is massaged, causing him to wake up to touch and not be so surprised by the touch of doctors and nurses at birth.

4. Calmer: At birth the baby can be immediately placed on top of the mother, which soothes mother and child and increases their emotional bonds, and after being clean and dressed, can remain with the mother at all times, if both are healthy, because there is no need for observation.

Normal delivery cannot be performed on a scheduled date, but the obstetrician can indicate the expected date of delivery, which helps parents to prepare for the baby's arrival.

Know the different types of delivery:

Advantages of normal birth for mother and baby