- 1. Pineapple juice with green tea
- 2. Radish and fennel juice
- 3. Celery and fennel juice
- 4. Cabbage and lemon juice
There are foods that can be used to prepare tasty juices that help you lose weight, lose your belly, decrease bloating, as they are diuretics and also decrease your appetite.
These juices can be easily prepared at home, with the help of a centrifuge or a blender, and must be drunk immediately in order to ingest all its nutrients.
1. Pineapple juice with green tea
A great juice option to lose belly is pineapple with green tea because its combined ingredients increase the urge to pee, eliminating excess body fluids and favoring the burning of fat located in the belly.
This is because pineapple is a good diuretic that increases the urge to urinate, helping to deflate. Green tea increases the body's metabolism, leading to the burning of body fat and sesame and flaxseed have fibers that improve intestinal transit. Coconut water is nutritious, rich in minerals and replenishes the body's minerals.
- 1 thick slice of pineapple; 4 mint leaves; 2 tablespoons of sesame or flaxseed; 1 cup of coconut water; 1 dessert spoon of powdered green tea.
Method of preparation:
Beat all the ingredients in a blender and take immediately afterwards, without straining. If necessary, you can sweeten the juice with 1 spoon of Stevia. The best time to drink this juice is at breakfast or mid-afternoon. Clarify the most common doubts about Stevia sweetener.
2. Radish and fennel juice
This juice helps to control the glycemic peak and stimulates weight loss, because the radish and fennel will stimulate the digestion and the work of the gallbladder, helping the metabolism to break down fats. In addition, it also helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body.
- A handful of parsley; 150 g of fennel; 2 apples; 1 radish; 2 celery stalks.
Method of preparation:
To prepare this juice, just centrifuge all the ingredients. If you prefer to drink fresh juice, you can then beat the blender, along with some ice cubes and drink it for breakfast or mid-afternoon.
3. Celery and fennel juice
This juice combines celery which is an excellent diuretic and fennel which has slimming properties, which stimulates the gallbladder, increasing the flow of bile, which is important for decreasing body fat.
- 2 peeled oranges; 1 fennel bulb; 1 handful of alfalfa sprouts; 2 celery stalks.
Method of preparation:
To prepare this juice, just beat all the ingredients until it becomes a homogeneous mixture and then drink it, once a day.
4. Cabbage and lemon juice
This juice has in its composition chlorophyll, potassium, pectin and vitamin C, which accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body and help to end the accumulated fat once and for all.
- 2 celery stalks; 3 handfuls of cabbage leaves; 2 apples; 1 peeled lemon.
Method of preparation:
Beat all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and drink once a day.
Watch the following video and learn how to prepare detox juices, which are also great for eliminating toxins from the body: