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How to do mouth to mouth breathing


Mouth-to-mouth breathing is performed to provide oxygen when a person suffers a cardiorespiratory arrest, becomes unconscious and does not breathe. After calling for help and calling 192, mouth-to-mouth breathing should be done along with chest compressions as soon as possible, to increase the chances of a victim surviving.

This type of breathing is not recommended in cases where someone with an unknown health history is being helped, as it is not possible to know if the person has any contagious disease, such as tuberculosis. In these situations, it is recommended to perform insufflations with a pocket mask, but if it is not available, chest compressions should be performed, from 100 to 120 per minute.

However, in specific cases, in people with a known health history or in close family members, mouth-to-mouth breathing should be performed according to the following steps:

  1. Place the victim on his back, as long as there is no suspicion of spinal injury; Opening the airways, tilting the head and raising the person's chin, using two fingers; Cover the victim's nostrils with your fingers, to prevent the air offered from escaping through the nose; Place the lips around the victim's mouth and breathe in through the nose normally; Blow air into the person's mouth for 1 second, causing the chest to rise; Do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation twice every 30 cardiac massages; Repeat this cycle until the person has recovered or until the time the ambulance arrives.

If the victim breathes again, it is important to keep them under observation, leaving the airways always free, as it may happen that the person stops breathing again, and it is necessary to start the process over again.

Pocket mask

How to do mouth-to-mouth breathing with a mask

There are first aid kits that contain disposable masks, which can be used for mouth-to-mouth breathing. These devices adapt to the victim's face and have a valve that allows air not to return to the person performing mouth-to-mouth breathing.

In these situations, where the pocket mask is available, the steps to perform the breaths correctly are:

  1. Position yourself next to the victim; Place the victim on his back, if there is no suspicion of spinal injury; Fit the mask over the person's nose and mouth, keeping the narrowest part of the mask on the nose and the widest part on the chin; Open the airways, by extending the victim's head and lifting the chin; Firm the mask with both hands, so that no air escapes from the sides ; Blow gently through the mask nozzle for about 1 second, observing the elevation of the victim's chest; Remove the mouth from the mask after 2 insufflations, keeping the head extension ; Repeat 30 chest compressions, approximately 5 cm deep.

First aid cycles should be done until the person has recovered or when the ambulance arrives. In addition, mouth-to-mouth breathing can be performed in cases of babies who are not breathing. Learn more about mouth-to-mouth breathing and what to do if your heart isn't beating.

How to do mouth to mouth breathing