Home Symptoms Inflamed vocal cords: causes, symptoms and how to treat

Inflamed vocal cords: causes, symptoms and how to treat


The inflammation in the vocal cords can be caused can have several causes, however all are results of vocal abuse, being thus very common in singers, for example. The vocal cords are responsible for the emission of sounds and are located inside the larynx. Thus, any change in the larynx can affect the vocal cords and, consequently, the voice.

The inflamed vocal cords can be noticed when the person has pain in the throat, hoarseness or alteration in the tone of the voice, and from that moment on, you should save your voice and drink enough water to keep your throat hydrated. Treatment can be done with the help of a speech therapist, who, depending on the cause and symptoms, will define the best way to treat inflammation.

Main causes

Inflammation in the vocal cords can have several causes, such as:

  • Callus in the vocal cords - know how to identify and treat the callus in the vocal cords; Polyp in the vocal cords; Gastroesophageal reflux; Laryngitis; Excessive alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

In addition to these causes, inflammation in the vocal cords can happen because of the presence of cyst or tumor in the vocal cords or larynx, but this is more rare. Normally, people who have the voice as their main work tool, such as singers and teachers, tend to have inflamed vocal cords more often.

Symptoms of inflamed vocal cords

Symptoms of the inflamed vocal cords usually include:

  • Hoarseness; Low voice or loss of voice; Sore throat; Difficulty speaking; Change in tone of voice, which can make the work of speakers and singers difficult; Paralysis of the vocal cords.

The diagnosis of inflammation in the vocal cords can be made by the general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist by observing the symptoms presented and can be confirmed through tests that allow the visualization of the vocal cords such as mirrors or high endoscopy.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for inflamed vocal cords varies depending on the severity of the disease. In some cases, it may be indicated that the person avoids speaking, saving his voice as much as possible, and drink enough water to keep his throat properly hydrated. However, a speech therapist may be required to perform a series of exercises that can assist in voice recovery.

What can be done to relieve discomfort and assist in the treatment of inflamed vocal cords is:

  • Save your voice as much as possible, avoid talking or singing; Whisper whenever possible to communicate; Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day to keep the entire throat area hydrated; Avoid very hot or very cold foods to save throat.

When inflammation in the vocal cords is caused by more serious illnesses like cysts or cancer, your doctor may recommend other treatments that may include medication or surgery.

Homemade option

Home treatment is simple and aims to relieve symptoms, especially hoarseness and sore throat. A good option is the gargle of lemon with pepper and the syrup of ginger and propolis. Find out these and other home treatment recipes here.

Inflamed vocal cords: causes, symptoms and how to treat