Home Symptoms Diet for the weekend

Diet for the weekend


The weekend diet is a low calorie diet that can only be done for 2 days.

In two days you cannot compensate for mistakes made in a week, but on the weekend, there is usually more peace of mind and, therefore, it is easier to control hunger attacks that can be caused by anxiety and, moreover, if you have more free time to do physical activity.

Throughout the day it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, such as water or green tea, for example. In this diet it is not allowed to drink coffee or alcoholic beverages.




Diet menu for the weekend

Example of a weekend diet menu:

  • Breakfast: juice of an apple and two carrots with 1 natural yogurt with a tablespoon of honey and 1 bowl of chopped melon or watermelon or pineapple (100 g).Lunch: lettuce salad, spinach and onion seasoned with little salt, olive oil and vinegar accompanied by 50 g of walnuts. Dinner: 500 g of cooked green beans and 3 peaches (300 g).

This diet to lose weight on the weekend has few calories and, therefore, it is indicated for people who suffer with specific health problems and in these cases the doctor should be consulted.

Before starting any diet, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist so that the diet does not harm your health.

Useful links:

Diet for the weekend