Home Bulls Stretching exercises to do before and after walking

Stretching exercises to do before and after walking


Stretching exercises for walking should be done before walking because they prepare muscles and joints for exercise and improve blood circulation, but they should also be performed right after walking because they help to remove excess lactic acid from muscles, decreasing the pain that can arise after physical effort.

Stretching exercises for walking should be done with all major muscle groups, such as legs, arms and neck, lasting at least 20 seconds.

Exercise 1

Bend your body forward as shown in the image, without bending your knees.

Exercise 2

Stay in the position that shows the second image for 20 seconds.

Exercise 3

Stay in the position shown in image 3, until you feel your calf stretch.

To do these stretches, just remain in the sample position each image for 20 seconds, each time.

It is very important to stretch with your legs before you start walking, but after a good walk you can do the stretching exercises that we indicate in the following video because they relax your whole body and you will feel much better:

Recommendations for good walks

Recommendations for walking correctly are:

  • Do these exercises before and after the walk; Whenever you do a stretch with one leg, do with the other, before moving to another muscle group; When performing the stretch, you shouldn't feel pain, just the muscle pulling; Start walking slowly and only after 5 minutes increase the pace of the walk. In the last 10 minutes of walking, decrease the pace; Increase the walking time progressively.

Before starting to walk, a medical consultation is important because in case of heart disease the doctor may prohibit this exercise.

Stretching exercises to do before and after walking