Home Bulls Hunger-fighting drugs and foods

Hunger-fighting drugs and foods


The hunger inhibitor can be a medicine, food or home remedy that has the effect of decreasing appetite and the amount of food and calories consumed, helping in the weight loss process.

However, it is important to remember that using only the hunger inhibitor is not enough to make you lose weight, as you must eat a healthy and balanced diet, with little sugar and fat to accelerate and increase weight loss.

So, here are 5 remedies or foods that help reduce hunger.


Spirulina is a microscopic alga rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins important for the proper functioning of the body, and can be found as a powdered supplement or in the form of tablets.

In addition to helping to decrease appetite and increase the feeling of fullness, taking Spirulina daily also helps to control cholesterol, diabetes and improve the health of the intestines, skin and hair. See how to consume Spirulina to lose weight.

Chromium picolinate

Chromium is a mineral that helps you lose weight by increasing the activity of the hormone insulin, which facilitates hunger control and muscle production.

In addition, this mineral also helps in the control of diabetes and cholesterol, and can be found naturally in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, beans, soy and corn, or in the form of supplements in capsules. See how to use this supplement here.


Pear is the fruit with the strongest power to inhibit appetite, as it is rich in water and fiber, and the sugar in the fruit is released little by little into the blood, making hunger take longer to arrive.

In the weight loss diet, you should eat 1 pear about 20 minutes before the main meals, as this will give you satiety and help to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Apple Tea

The apple peel is rich in soluble fibers, which fill the stomach and give the feeling of satiety, decreasing appetite. To make the tea, you must chop an apple with the skin and seeds and put to boil for 10 minutes in 1 cup of water.

The consumption of this tea should be made 2 to 3 times a day, without adding sugar, honey or sweeteners.


Sibutramine is a medication used to assist in weight loss diets because it works by increasing satiety and decreasing hunger, but it should only be taken according to medical advice.

When used in the wrong way, this medication can cause problems such as headache, insomnia, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. See how to use and what sibutramine contraindications here.

To help with weight loss, see also Natural Remedies to Take Hunger.

Watch the following video and learn about other supplements that can be used to fight hunger:

Hunger-fighting drugs and foods