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Ovarian cyst: symptoms, treatment and common doubts


The ovarian cyst, also known as an ovarian cyst, is a fluid-filled pouch that forms inside or around the ovary, which can cause pain in the pelvic area, delay in menstruation or difficulty in becoming pregnant. Generally, the ovarian cyst is benign and disappears after a few months without needing treatment, however, if you develop symptoms, you may need medical treatment.

Having an ovarian cyst, in most cases, is not serious because it is a common situation that happens in many women between 15 and 35 years of age, and can appear several times throughout their lives.

Is it possible to get pregnant with ovarian cyst?

The ovarian cyst does not cause infertility, but the woman may have difficulty conceiving due to the hormonal changes that led to the cyst. However, with proper treatment, the ovarian cyst tends to shrink or disappear, causing the woman to return to her normal hormonal rhythm, facilitating fertilization.

When a woman with an ovarian cyst is able to become pregnant, she should have regular consultations with the obstetrician as there is a greater risk of complications, such as ectopic pregnancy, for example.

Types of ovarian cysts

The main types of ovarian cysts include:

  • Follicular cyst: forms when there is no ovulation or when the egg does not leave the ovary during the fertile period. It usually has no symptoms and does not need treatment. Its size can vary from 2.5 cm to 10 cm and usually decreases in size between 4 to 8 weeks, as it is not considered cancer. Corpus luteum cyst: can appear after the egg is released and usually disappears without treatment. Its size varies between 3 and 4 cm and can break during intimate contact, but no specific treatment is necessary, but if there is severe pain, pressure drop and accelerated heartbeat, it may be necessary to remove it by laparoscopic surgery. Theca-lutein cyst: It happens rarely, being more common in women who take medication to get pregnant. Hemorrhagic cyst: it happens when there is bleeding in the cyst wall to its interior, which can cause pelvic pain; Dermoid cyst: also called mature cystic teratoma, which can be found in children, containing hair, teeth or bone fragments, requiring laparoscopy; Ovarian fibroma: it is a more common neoplasm in menopause, the size can vary from microcysts to weigh up to 23 kg, and must be removed by surgery. Ovarian endometrioma: appears in cases of endometriosis in the ovaries, needing to be treated with medication or surgery; Adenoma cyst : benign ovarian cyst, which must be removed by laparoscopy.

Because they are filled with fluid, these cysts can still be known as anechoic cysts, as they do not reflect the ultrasound used in diagnostic tests, however, the term anechoic is not related to gravity.

The type of cyst in the ovary can be assessed at the gynecologist through tests such as ultrasound, laparoscopy or blood tests. Painkillers like Dipyrone can be used in case of pain, oral contraceptives can be used to suppress ovulation, which normally decreases follicular cysts, which are the most common. Placing a warm compress over the sore area can also relieve discomfort, but whenever the pain is very severe, you should go to the doctor or emergency room to perform a new ultrasound, in order to observe whether there has been growth or rupture of the cyst, assessing the need for do surgery.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cyst

Rarely does an ovarian cyst cause symptoms, but when it is very large, more than 3 cm in diameter, symptoms such as:

  • Pain in the ovary, on the side where the cyst is; Pain during ovulation; Pain during intimate contact; Delayed menstruation; Increased tenderness in the breasts; Vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual period; Weight gain, because hormonal changes make you fat; Difficulty to get pregnant.

The diagnosis of ovarian cyst can be made through exams such as palpation of the pelvic region, transvaginal ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. See the difference and know how to identify the symptoms of polycystic ovary.

The gynecologist can also order the pregnancy test because if the Beta HCG values ​​to exclude the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, it shows the same symptoms, and even helps to identify the type of cyst that the woman has.

After identifying the cyst in the ovary, the gynecologist may also order blood tests, such as CA 125 whose maximum value must be 35 mUL, to check if the cyst is malignant, being considered an ovarian cancer.

Learn more about ovarian cyst symptoms.

Warning signs

The warning signs that may indicate a possible ovarian torsion, requiring urgent surgery are:

  • Intense pain on one side of the abdomen, which can be relieved with warm compresses; Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting usually appear, which can be mistaken for appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

If the woman has these symptoms she should go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

The cysts most likely to rupture or twist are those measuring more than 8 cm. In addition, a woman who is able to conceive with a large cyst has a greater chance of torsion, between 10 and 12 weeks, because the growth of the uterus can push the ovary, with torsion.

Is ovarian cyst cancer?

An ovarian cyst is usually not cancer, it is just a benign lesion that can disappear on its own or be removed through surgery, when it is very large and there is a risk of rupture or causes significant pain and discomfort. Ovarian cancer is more common in women over 50, being very rare under 30.

Some characteristics of cysts that can be cancer are those with large size, with thick septum, solid area. In case of suspicion the doctor must order the CA 125 blood test, because this high value may indicate a cancerous lesion, however women with ovarian endometrioma may have elevated CA 125, and not be cancer.

Treatment for ovarian cyst

Having an ovarian cyst is not always dangerous, and usually treatment is to wait for it to shrink in size on its own, without the need for treatment.

However, the ovarian cyst can also be treated with the use of the contraceptive pill suitable for each case, and when it causes symptoms or hinders the functioning of the organ, surgery to remove the cyst without removing the ovary can be recommended. In the most severe cases, in which the cyst is very large, shows signs of cancer or in case of an ovarian torsion, it may be necessary to completely remove the ovary.

Natural treatment for ovarian cyst

Discover a natural way to treat the cyst in the following video:

Ovarian cyst: symptoms, treatment and common doubts