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5 Homemade masks to rejuvenate your skin


Cleaning the skin and then applying a mask with moisturizing properties is a way to maintain the beauty and health of the skin.

But in addition to using this moisturizing face mask, other important cares to maintain the health and beauty of the skin are to drink more than 1.5 liters of water a day, always wash your face with moisturizing soap, clean your skin regularly with lotion cleaning and finally apply a thin layer of moisturizing cream with sunscreen on the entire face.

Check out some great recipes.

1. Papaya mask

This mixture is ideal for moisturizing the skin, due to the properties of honey and papaya, but it also provides vitamin A and carotenoids, from carrots, which protect the skin and help maintain elasticity.


  • 1 tablespoon of papaya, 1 tablespoon of honey, grated carrot

Method of preparation

Grate the carrot and mix with the other ingredients to form a paste. Apply this mask all over your face and let it act for about 20 minutes. Then remove with warm water and a little soap with neutral pH. For a better result, you can make a homemade exfoliation on your face using 1 spoon of sugar as an exfoliator, as indicated in this recipe.

2. Yogurt mask

This natural mask is good for rejuvenating the skin because it is made with homemade ingredients and is a great way to keep it always clean and hydrated, with a healthy and beautiful appearance.


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Method of preparation

The fruits should be mixed with yogurt and honey until they are uniform and then the clay should be added to form a malleable mask. After washing your face with warm water the mask can be applied.

3. Clay mask

The green clay mask for the face helps to remove impurities from the skin and excess oil, in addition to providing more vitality and toning, slowing aging, as the properties of green clay stimulate cell renewal, eliminate toxins and dead cells, leaving the skin more silky.


  • 1 tablespoon of green clay mineral water

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients with a wooden or plastic spoon until you get a homogeneous mixture, apply the mask on your face and let it act for 30 minutes. After this time, rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream preferably in gel, for those with oily skin, and that contains sun protection.

It is recommended to use this green clay mask once a week or every 15 days according to the need. Clay can be found in health food stores like Mundo Verde, for example. Another excellent mask to clean the face and remove impurities is the Betonite Clay mask, which can be easily prepared with water. See how to prepare in 3 Ways to Use Bentonite Clay.

4. Avocado mask

An excellent homemade face mask can be made using avocado and honey, because it has a moisturizing action, which helps to give the skin extra hydration. This mask is easy to prepare, low cost, and has excellent skin benefits, being a great option to use in winter, or after a beach season, when the skin tends to be more dry.


  • 1 tablespoon (of avocado) 1 tablespoon of honey

Method of preparation

Knead the avocado with a fork and add the honey, mixing until you get a homogeneous cream.

Make an exfoliation on the face, with sugar and honey, for example, and then wash it, dry it very well and apply the mask of avocado next, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. When applying the mask, be careful not to apply too close to the eyes. At the end, wash your face with fresh water and dry with a fluffy towel.

5. Mask for irritated skin

A great natural mask for irritated skin is the one that uses oats, honey, yogurt and chamomile essential oil in its composition, because these ingredients have properties that soothe the skin, fighting redness and irritation.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together the yoghurt, lemon juice, salt, pepper, salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

Mix all the ingredients well until it becomes a homogeneous mixture. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes and remove using cotton pads with warm water.

Chamomile essential oil is a great anti-inflammatory and has a soothing action for sensitive skin, and honey, oats and yogurt alleviate skin irritation. Therefore, applying this mask on the face or body after epilation can be very useful.

Facial drainage step by step

Watch in this video, how you can do a facial drainage to complement your homemade beauty treatment:

5 Homemade masks to rejuvenate your skin