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Home treatment for tendonitis


The best home remedies to help fight tendonitis are plants that have anti-inflammatory action such as ginger, aloe vera because they act at the root of the problem, bringing relief from symptoms. In addition, of course, a diet rich in omegas 3 such as sardines, chia seeds or nuts, for example.

Below are some options of anti-inflammatory medicinal plants that can be used in the form of juice, tea, compress or poultice.

1. Ginger tea

Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory that can be used to fight tendonitis. In addition to tea, you can consume ginger at meals, which is very common in Japanese cuisine. You can add this seasoning to meat, being great for seasoning chicken, for example.

  • For tea: Put 1cm of ginger to a boil in 500 ml of water, leave it covered to cool. Strain and take while warm, 3 to 4 times a day.

2. Anti-inflammatory foods

Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as coriander, watercress, tuna, sardines and salmon are excellent options to deflame the body and fight tendonitis anywhere on the body.

See how food and physical therapy can help in the video below.

3. Rosemary compress

The rosemary compress is easy to prepare and is great for treating shoulder tendonitis, for example.

  • How to use: Knead the rosemary leaves with a pestle, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil until it forms a paste and place it on gauze and then place exactly on the painful spot.

4. Fennel tea

Fennel tea has a pleasant taste and can be indicated to fight tendonitis, because it contains anti-inflammatory action.

  • How to do it: Add 1 teaspoon of fennel in a cup of boiling water and leave it covered for 3 minutes. Strain, and take warm, 3 to 4 times a day.

5. Poultice with aloe vera gel

Aloe vera, also popularly known as aloe vera, has a healing action and is a good option to fight tendonitis. You can drink aloe vera juice daily, and to complement this treatment you can use a poultice at the site of tendonitis.

  • How to use: Open an aloe vera leaf and remove its gel, add to a gauze and apply to the skin, covering with gauze. Leave on for about 15 minutes, twice a day.

However, these should not be the only form of treatment, although they are excellent for complementing clinical and physiotherapeutic treatment, which may include taking anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen, ointments such as Cataflan or Voltaren and using cold compresses, in addition to physiotherapy sessions that speed up tendon disinflation and regeneration.

Home treatment for tendonitis