Home Symptoms Total and free testosterone: what it means when it's low and how to increase

Total and free testosterone: what it means when it's low and how to increase


Testosterone is the main male hormone, being responsible for characteristics such as beard growth, thickening of the voice and increased muscle mass, in addition to stimulating the production of sperm, being directly related to male fertility. In addition, testosterone is also present in women, but to a lesser extent.

After 50 years of age, it is common to experience a decrease in testosterone production, characterized by andropause, which is similar to women's menopause. However, the decrease in testosterone production in men does not mean that they become infertile, but that their reproductive capacity may be reduced, since sperm production is compromised.

Signs of Low Testosterone

In men, decreased testosterone production can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Decreased libido; Lower sexual performance; Depression; Decreased muscle mass; Increased body fat; Decreased beard and hair loss in general.

In addition to sexual dysfunction, low testosterone in men can also cause problems such as osteopenia, osteoporosis and impaired male fertility. The decrease in hormonal production is common and occurs especially with the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, when the man smokes, is overweight or has diabetes.

Testosterone is also present in women, but in lower concentrations. However, when testosterone levels decrease in women there may also be some symptoms, such as:

  • Loss of muscle mass; Accumulation of visceral fat; Decreased sexual desire; Generalized disinterest, which can be confused with depression in some cases.

On the other hand, when testosterone levels are increased in women, there may be the development of typically male characteristics, such as hair growth on the chest, face and on the inner thighs, close to the groin.

When symptoms appear that may be related to the change in testosterone levels, it is important to consult an endocrinologist, urologist, in the case of men, or gynecologist, in the case of women. Thus, it is possible to check the production of this hormone and, if necessary, start treatment.

Test that measures Testosterone

The tests that indicate the amount of testosterone in the body are not very specific and are not always reliable because their values ​​change constantly, according to ethnicity, age and lifestyle, such as healthy eating and physical activity or physical inactivity. For this reason, the doctor does not always request the test to assess its concentration in the bloodstream based only on the symptoms that the person presents.

Normally, free testosterone and total testosterone are required. Free testosterone represents the concentration of testosterone that is available in the body, which can be absorbed to perform its function in the body, and corresponds to 2 to 3% of the total testosterone, which corresponds to the total amount of testosterone produced by the body, that is, free testosterone and testosterone that is linked to proteins.

The normal values ​​of total testosterone in the blood are:

  • Men: 241 - 827 ng / dL Women: 14 - 76 ng / dL

Regarding the reference values ​​of free testosterone in the blood, besides varying according to the laboratory, they vary according to the age and phase of the menstrual cycle, in this case in women:

  • Men

    • Up to 17 years old: Reference value not established; Between 17 and 40 years old: 3 - 25 ng / dLEntre 41 and 60 years old: 2.7 - 18 ng / dL Over 60 years old: 1.9 - 19 ng / dL
    • Follicular phase of the menstrual cycle: 0.2 - 1.7 ng / dLMid cycle: 0.3 - 2.3 ng / dLLuteum phase: 0.17 - 1.9 ng / dLPost menopause: 0.2 - 2.06 ng / dL

Testosterone may be increased in case of precocious puberty, adrenal hyperplasia, trophoblastic disease during pregnancy, ovarian cancer, cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, use of seizure drugs, barbiturates, estrogens or use of the contraceptive pill.

However, testosterone may be decreased in case of hypogonadism, testicular withdrawal, Klinefelter syndrome, uremia, hemodialysis, liver failure, excessive alcohol consumption by men and use of drugs such as digoxin, spironolactone and acarbose.

How to Increase Testosterone

Testosterone supplements must be used under medical advice and can be found in the form of tablets, gel, cream or transdermal patch. Some trade names are Durateston, Somatrodol, Provacyl and Androgel.

However, before resorting to the use of supplements, it is important to look for alternatives that stimulate the production of this hormone, such as practicing physical activity with weight, increasing consumption of foods rich in zinc, vitamin A and D, good night's sleep and adequacy of weight for height. If these strategies do not increase testosterone production, the physician must initiate appropriate treatment.

Here's how to naturally increase testosterone.

In man

When testosterone is below the recommended level and the man has signs and symptoms of decreased testosterone production, the urologist may prescribe the use of testosterone in the form of pills, injection or gel to be used according to his prescription.

The effects of testosterone in men can be seen in 1 month of treatment and with that he should be more confident, with greater sexual desire, greater muscle rigidity and feeling stronger. Thus, testosterone supplementation can be indicated during andropause to decrease its effects, improving the quality of life for men.

The use of testosterone should be recommended by the doctor, as it can lead to health problems such as liver fat, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. See how male hormone replacement is done and possible side effects.

In the woman

When the amount of testosterone a woman has is very low, the gynecologist can observe these symptoms and order the test to assess their concentration in the blood.

Testosterone supplementation is indicated only in case of androgen deficiency syndrome or when the ovaries stop functioning due to ovarian cancer, for example. When the decrease in testosterone in women is caused by another reason, it is better to try to balance hormone levels by increasing estrogen.

Total and free testosterone: what it means when it's low and how to increase