Home Bulls 10 Common menstrual changes

10 Common menstrual changes


Common menstrual changes may be related to the frequency, duration or amount of bleeding that occurs during menstruation.

Normally, menstruation descends once a month, with an average duration of 4 to 7 days days and appears in adolescence, ending at the beginning of menopause.

However, some changes may arise and some of the most common ones include:

1. Delayed menstruation

Delayed menstruation occurs when in a regular menstrual period, usually 28 days, menstruation does not fall on the expected day and may indicate that the contraceptive method is not working as expected or in some cases, may indicate pregnancy. Read more at: Late menstruation.

2. Dark menstruation

Dark menstruation is usually the loss of blood similar to coffee grounds and is in small amounts. In most cases, it does not indicate any problem, appearing at the beginning and at the end of the menstrual cycle in women who have a regular menstruation.

However, in some cases it can arise when the woman changes the contraceptive pill for another, took the pill the next day or is the result of stress. Find out more at: When dark menstruation is a warning sign.

3. Irregular menstruation

Irregular menstruation is characterized by menstrual cycles that can vary from month to month between 21 to 40 days, making it more difficult to calculate the fertile period and to know when menstruation falls.

When the girl menstruates for the first time it is normal that during the first months the menstruation is irregular. Find out more causes that can lead to irregular menstruation.

4. Menstruation in small quantities

Small menstruation is normal for women taking contraceptives and in most cases does not indicate any gynecological problems. However, if the woman has no menstruation, known as amenorrhea, she should go to the gynecologist as it may be indicative of a problem or sign of pregnancy.

See what are the main causes of low menstruation and what to do in each case.

5. Abundant menstruation

Heavy menstruation is when the woman has a high blood loss, using more than 4 dressings a day in 24 hours. In these cases, it is important to go to the gynecologist, as excess blood loss can lead to anemia, causing symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness. Learn how to treat at: Menstrual bleeding.

6. Very short menstruation

The duration of menstruation is about 4 days, but it can be only 2 days or persist for up to a week, depending on the woman's body. Usually, if it persists for more than 8 days, you should go to the gynecologist, especially if the blood loss is heavy.

7. Painful menstruation

Menstruation can cause some pain in the abdomen, scientifically known as dysmenorrhea, but when it is very intense it can indicate problems such as endometriosis or polycystic ovaries, for example, and in these cases it is important to go to the gynecologist.

8. Menstruation with pieces

Menstruation can come down with pieces, which are blood clots, but this situation is usually normal and does not need treatment, because it arises due to an imbalance in the woman's hormones. However, in some cases, it can be indicative of problems such as anemia or endometriosis. To know other causes read more at: Why did menstruation come in pieces ?.

9. Blood loss between periods

Bleeding between periods, known as metrorrhagia, can occur when a woman frequently forgets to take the birth control pill, disrupting the menstrual cycle. However, it is important to go to the gynecologist to assess the case.

10. Prolonged menstruation

Prolonged menstruation, which lasts more than 10 days, can be caused by diseases such as endometriosis or myoma and can cause anemia leading to dizziness and weakness and therefore must be treated with the medications indicated by the gynecologist.

All changes can be normal or indicative of problems such as hormonal changes, normal puberty, caused only by stress or by thyroid diseases that alter the balance of hormones or even by specific problems of the female reproductive system, such as malformations or endometriosis.

Therefore, it is very important that in the presence of these changes, the woman always consult a gynecologist for him to assess the cause and, if necessary, start the best appropriate treatment.

Find out when you need to go to the doctor at: 5 signs that you should go to the gynecologist.

10 Common menstrual changes