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What does protein in urine mean in pregnancy


The presence of protein in urine, known scientifically as proteinuria, is a common and normal change in pregnancy, which is usually related to the increase in the work of the kidneys to filter excess fluids from this new phase of a woman's life.

However, when the amount of protein in the urine is very high, usually above 300 mg per day, it can mean some health problems, such as a minor infection or even pre-eclampsia.

Thus, all tests, blood or urine, performed by the pregnant woman should always be evaluated by the obstetrician to identify whether it is necessary to do other tests in order to diagnose possible health problems and start early treatment.

Main causes of protein in urine during pregnancy

Some of the most common causes of the presence of excess protein in the urine are:

1. Excessive stress

Pregnancy is a period of many changes and adaptations in the pregnant woman's life and, therefore, the stress level can be very high. Generally, increased stress causes an increase in the functioning of the body, which also translates into increased filtration in the kidneys.

Thus, it is common for protein to appear in the urine test, however, this change is temporary and disappears in a few days, without affecting the health of the pregnant woman or baby.

What to do: To relieve stress during pregnancy, it is important to adopt some strategies, such as regular exercise, do activities that you enjoy, eat healthy and rest. Thus, it is possible to decrease the amount of protein in the urine, as well as enjoy the pregnancy.

2. Urinary infection

The existence of a urinary tract infection is a major cause of proteinuria, occurring due to the presence of bacteria. In these cases, it is possible to have other signs such as increased frequency of urination, feeling of heaviness in the bladder or discomfort when urinating, for example.

Although urinary tract infection does not directly affect the baby, it needs to be treated quickly to avoid other complications such as premature birth or weight loss at birth.

What to do: Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy is done with the use of antibiotics, which should be indicated by the gynecologist and used according to the recommendation, since some antibiotics are not recommended during pregnancy and may have consequences for the baby's health. The most suitable antibiotics for the treatment of urinary tract infection during pregnancy are Cephalexin or Ampicillin, which are usually indicated for 7 to 14 days. Learn more about treating urinary tract infection in pregnancy.

3. Pre-eclampsia

Preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy, characterized by high blood pressure, rapid weight gain and high blood pressure in pregnancy, which must be identified as soon as possible to avoid health problems in pregnant women. In these cases, excess protein appears after the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and is associated with other changes such as increased blood pressure, headache or swelling in the body.

When pre-eclampsia is suspected, it is important to repeat the urine test and consult the obstetrician to assess blood pressure.

What to do: In cases of high blood pressure during pregnancy, it is recommended that the woman rest during the day and drink plenty of fluids, in addition to maintaining a balanced diet low in salt and processed foods. In addition, it is recommended to practice light physical activities, such as walking, Yoga or water aerobics, for example. See how high blood pressure is treated during pregnancy.

Can protein in the urine indicate pregnancy?

Although pregnancy causes an increase in the amount of protein in the urine, this change is not always a sign of pregnancy. This is because several health problems can cause the same change:

  • Kidney function problems; Diabetes; Heart disease; High blood pressure; Urinary tract infection.

Thus, when the urine test indicates the presence of protein, it is important to consult the general practitioner to assess the need for further tests, which help to determine if there are any health problems that need to be treated.

Understand the significance of the different blood test changes.

What does protein in urine mean in pregnancy