Home Bulls How to take xanax (alprazolam) and its effects

How to take xanax (alprazolam) and its effects


Xanax (Alprazolam) is a medication that helps to control anxiety, panic situations and phobias. In addition, it can be used as a complement in the treatment of depression and skin, heart or gastrointestinal diseases because it is tranquilizing and helps to reduce symptoms.

This medicine can be found commercially as Xanax, Apraz, Frontal or Victan, being an anxiolytic, anti-panic for oral administration, through tablets. Its use should only be made by medical recommendation for adults and it is essential not to drink alcohol and limit the consumption of caffeine during treatment.


Xanax costs on average 15 to 30 reais.


Xanax is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Anxiety, panic or depression; During alcohol withdrawal; Control of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or dermatological diseases; Phobias in patients with agoraphobia.

This medication is only indicated when the disease is severe, disabling the anguish is extreme.

How to use

Xanax is used in tablets of different dosages between 0.25, 0.50 and 1g, according to the doctor's recommendation. The use of this remedy should not be taken with alcoholic beverages and one should avoid driving because it decreases the concentration. Generally, the doctor recommends using it three times a day to decrease symptoms.

Side effects

Some side effects of using Xanax include loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, drowsiness, fatigue, lack of memory, confusion, irritability and dizziness. In addition, it can cause addiction with prolonged use.


The use of Xanax is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, when there is severe renal or hepatic failure.

How to take xanax (alprazolam) and its effects