Home Bulls 7 Intestinal infections that can be sexually transmitted

7 Intestinal infections that can be sexually transmitted


Some microorganisms that can be sexually transmitted can cause intestinal symptoms, especially when they are transmitted to another person through unprotected anal sex, that is, without using a condom, or through oral-anal sexual contact. Thus, the microorganism is in direct contact with the gastrointestinal tract and is able to proliferate and result in symptoms that can be confused with those of inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

The microorganisms most frequently related to intestinal infections due to sexual intercourse are Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Chlamydia spp . and the Herpes virus, however, microorganisms that are mainly found in the gastrointestinal tract, such as Entamoeba coli , Giardia lamblia and Salmonella spp . they can also be transmitted sexually, in the case that the person has an active infection by this microorganism and there has been no correct cleaning of the place before sexual intercourse, for example.

Thus, the main microorganisms capable of causing intestinal infections when transmitted through anal or anal-oral sexual intercourse are:

1. Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae gives rise to gonorrhea, the transmission of which occurs mainly through unprotected genital intercourse. However, its transmission can also happen through genital-anal intercourse, leading to the appearance of gonorrhea symptoms and gastrointestinal changes, mainly related to inflammation of the anus, with local discomfort and mucus production being noticed.

The main signs and symptoms of genital infection by Neisseria gonorrhoeae are pain and burning when urinating and the presence of white pus-like discharge. Learn to recognize other gonorrhea symptoms.

2. Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia trachomatis is responsible for chlamydia and venereal lymphogranuloma, which are sexually transmitted infections and, in most cases, are asymptomatic. When this bacterium is acquired through anal contact, symptoms of inflammatory diseases, such as diarrhea, mucus and rectal bleeding, may be noticed.

In addition, in the more advanced stages of the disease, it is also possible to notice the presence of liquid-filled wounds, especially in the case of venereal lymphogranuloma. Know the symptoms and treatment for lymphogranuloma.

3. Herpes simplex virus

The herpes virus, although it is most often transmitted through genital sex without a condom or oral sex in people with the virus or by someone who has herpes, can also be transmitted through anal or anal-oral sex, mainly leading formation of ulcers in the anal or perianal region.

4. Treponema pallidum

Treponema pallidum is the infectious agent responsible for syphilis, which is a sexually transmitted infection characterized by the presence of wounds in the genital region, fingers, throat, tongue or other places that are not in the genital region, and are lesions that do not hurt and do not itch.. However, syphilis symptoms appear in cycles, and the person may go through asymptomatic periods, although in that period it is also possible to transmit the bacteria to other people.

This bacterium can also be transmitted through anal sex and lead to the appearance of some intestinal symptoms when there is contact with the wounds caused by the bacteria in the perianal region. See more about syphilis transmission.

5. Salmonella spp.

Salmonella spp. is a microorganism responsible for several cases of food infection, leading to the appearance of gastroenteritis symptoms. Although its sexual transmission is not frequent, it is possible that it happens when you have an active infection, which results in a greater amount of bacteria eliminated by the feces, which may increase the chance of the sexual partner, when having anal sex, to acquire this microorganism.

6. Entamoeba coli

Like Salmonella spp. , Entamoeba coli is a microorganism related to intestinal infections often related to the consumption of food or water contaminated by this parasite. However, if the person has an active infection with this protozoan or its parasitic load is very high, there is a greater risk of transmission to the partner during anal sex.

7. Giardia lamblia

Giardia lamblia is also a protozoan very associated with the appearance of gastrointestinal symptoms due to the consumption of food or water contaminated by cysts of this protozoan. However, this microorganism can also be transmitted through anal sexual contact with a person with active Giardia lamblia infection or with a high parasitic load.

Intestinal symptoms of sexually transmitted infection

Gastrointestinal symptoms of sexually transmitted infections may vary depending on the microorganism responsible, since it can also vary depending on your pathogenic capacity and the immune system of the person who has been infected. Thus, signs and symptoms common to inflammatory bowel diseases, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever and, in the most severe cases, vomiting and diarrhea, can be perceived.

In addition, the presence of rectal bleeding and sores and / or lesions in the anal and perianal region, which can itch, be painful or produce secretions, are indicative of sexually transmitted infection.

7 Intestinal infections that can be sexually transmitted