Home Bulls Benefits of physical activity in heart failure

Benefits of physical activity in heart failure


The main benefit of physical activity in heart failure is the decrease in symptoms, especially tiredness and shortness of breath, that the individual feels when doing their daily activities.

Studies carried out in patients with heart disease have shown that regular physical activity can be recommended in the treatment of stable chronic heart failure because:

  • Reduces heart rate and increases levels of available oxygen.

However, physical exercise can be a contraindication for some patients with heart failure and therefore before beginning physical exercise, anyone suffering from the disease should consult the cardiologist and assess their physical condition through the cardiorespiratory stress test on a bicycle or running machine. In addition, the individual must inform the doctor about other illnesses they have and the medicines they take.

Each exercise plan must be individualized and changed over time, according to the patient's age and situation, but some options are walking, light running, light weight training and water aerobics, for example. But every exercise must be carried out under the supervision of a professional.

Important recommendations

Some recommendations for physical activity in heart failure include:

  • Use fresh and comfortable clothes; Drink water during exercise; Avoid doing physical activities in very hot places.

These recommendations help to avoid complications, such as increased body temperature or dehydration, which are common in patients with heart failure due to the body's difficulty in regulating temperature.

Understand what heart failure is and what to eat to control the disease in the following video:

Benefits of physical activity in heart failure