Home Medicinal Plants What is the elderberry for and how to prepare tea

What is the elderberry for and how to prepare tea


Elderberry is a shrub with white flowers and black berries, also known as European Elderberry, Elderberry or Black Elderberry, whose flowers can be used to prepare a tea, which can be used as an aid in the treatment of flu or colds.

This medicinal plant has the scientific name Sambucus nigra and can be purchased in health food stores, drugstores and in some open markets.

What is it for and what properties

Elderberry flowers have expectorant properties, blood circulation stimulants, sweat production stimulants, topical antivirals and anti-inflammatories.

Thus, elderberries can be used to help treat cold and flu, fever, cough, rhinitis, allergic symptoms, wounds, abscesses, uric acid buildup, kidney problems, hemorrhoids, bruises, chilblains and rheumatism.

How to use

The used parts of the elderberry are its flowers, which can be used to prepare a tea:

Elderberry tea

To prepare elderberry tea, you need:


  • 1 tablespoon of dried elderberry flowers; 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Place 1 tablespoon of dried elderberries in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 3 cups of tea a day.

In addition, the tea can be used to gargle in case of a sore and irritated throat or in the presence of thrush.

There are also ointments with elderflower extract in the composition, which are indicated for the treatment of cracks caused by cold, bruises, hemorrhoids and chilblains.

Possible side effects

Side effects of elderberries can include varied allergic reactions. In addition, elderberry fruits if consumed in excess can have a laxative effect.

Who should not use

Elderberries are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

What is the elderberry for and how to prepare tea