Home Symptoms Catarrh in the ear: main causes, symptoms and how is the treatment

Catarrh in the ear: main causes, symptoms and how is the treatment


The presence of phlegm in the ear is known as secretory otitis media and occurs more frequently in children under 2 years of age due to the development of the ear and the underdeveloped immune system, which can result in recurrent colds and flu and allergic rhinitis, for example, which causes the accumulation of fluids in the ear, being quite uncomfortable.

In addition to being uncomfortable, the presence of phlegm in the ear can cause pain and hearing problems, which can also interfere with speech development in children, for example. Therefore, it is important to take the child to the pediatrician as soon as he / she has difficulty hearing, as it is possible to treat with anti-inflammatories and eliminate the accumulated fluid.

Symptoms of phlegm in the ear

The main symptom related to the presence of phlegm in the ear is the sensation of a blocked ear, discomfort, difficulty hearing and, in some cases, you may hear frequent wheezing. In addition, there may be severe ear pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and release of yellow or whitish and smelly secretion, for example. Learn about other causes of ear discharge.

Main causes

The presence of phlegm in the ear is more common to happen in babies and children can happen mainly due to:

  • Infection by viruses or bacteria, leading to inflammation of the ear and the production and accumulation of secretions; Frequent colds and flu; Allergic rhinitis; Sinusitis; Tonsil enlargement; Allergies; Ear injury due to rapid pressure change, also known as barotrauma.

In addition, as is common in childhood, the child may not be able to develop speech well, since he / she cannot hear so clearly. Therefore, in case of suspected phlegm in the ear, it is important to go to the pediatrician, in the case of children, or to the otorhinolaryngologist to evaluate the symptoms, make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment.

The diagnosis is usually made through the evaluation of the symptoms presented, in addition to checking the presence of phlegm in the ear and the vibration of the eardrum to auditory stimuli, which in this case is reduced.

How is the treatment

The treatment is done with the aim of eliminating the accumulated secretion and relieving the symptoms, allowing the person to hear normally again. Most of the time, the otorhinolaryngologist recommends the use of corticosteroid drugs in order to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. In case the accumulation of secretion is due to bacterial infection, for example, the doctor may also recommend the use of antibiotics.

If after the start of treatment the symptoms remain or worsen, it may be recommended to perform a surgical procedure that consists of introducing a drain through the ear canal that is responsible for draining the secretion and prevents the accumulation from happening again.

How to prevent phlegm in the ear

Some ways to prevent secretory otitis media in young children are through breastfeeding, since antibodies responsible for fighting infections are passed on to the baby.

In addition, it is recommended to avoid using a pacifier, cigarette smoke near the child, promoting correct hand washing and applying vaccines according to the vaccination schedule, especially in children under 2 years of age.

Catarrh in the ear: main causes, symptoms and how is the treatment