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How to give the baby a complete bath


Baby bathing is an excellent way to promote the child's well-being, in addition to being an essential hygiene measure for the baby's health.

However, the bath should not take more than 10 minutes for the baby not to be cold and can be given at any part of the day, and in most cases about 3 baths per week are sufficient for the newborn baby and 4 for the older ones.

During the bath it is very important to always be aware of the baby because he may fall and hurt himself and should never bathe after he eats or sucks because he can golf.

In addition, parents should prepare the baby's clothes at the beginning of the bath so that the baby does not get cold and the amount of clothes must vary with temperature, and children usually need more clothes than parents to be comfortable. Read how to dress your baby when it's hot or cold.

Step 1 - Preparing for the baby's bath

To bathe the baby, parents must choose to use a bathtub or a Shantala bucket. In addition, it is important to use hygiene products, such as shampoo and soap, suitable for babies because they are less aggressive to the skin and do not cause eye or skin irritation, for example. Thus, one must:

Material for the bath
  1. Choose a location with a constant temperature between 22 and 25º and without drafts; Gather all the necessary material for bathing the baby, such as products, towel and clothes, opening the clothes in the order you will wear them so that the baby does not get cold; Put water in the bathtub or bucket about 10 cm, less than half of the baby, adding cold water first and then hot water.


Shantalla bucket

At the end, stir the water and keep it at 37º, checking with the thermometer not to burn the baby's skin.

Step 2 - Bath the baby

Before placing the baby in the bathtub or bucket, you should check the diaper and clean the baby's intimate area if it is soiled with feces or urine so as not to make the water dirty. Only then should:

Holding baby's head
  1. Sit the baby in the bathtub holding the head, which is the heaviest part of the baby's body; Begin the bath by washing your face with clean water; Wash your hair with baby shampoo, such as Turma da Xuxinha or Johnson's baby, massaging your head with your fingertips; Remove the foam from the hair, taking care to prevent water from getting into the baby's face or ears; Wash the baby's body with soap suitable for the skin type, leaving the intimate area for the end.

Finally, the baby should be removed from the bathtub and laid on the dry towel, previously extended.

Step 3 - Clean and tidy the baby

After taking the baby out of the water it is essential to snuggle him in the towel so he does not get cold, using a soft towel, taking special care of the folds of his thighs, stomach and arms so as not to accumulate moisture that causes skin wounds. Then you must:

  1. Dry the baby's face and body; Clean the intimate area and check if you do not need cream, when you have diaper rash; Putting the diaper so the baby doesn't get the towel dirty; Apply moisturizing cream on the baby's chest and arms and immediately put on clothes from the upper region; Cream the legs and dress the bottom of the baby's clothes.

In the end you can comb your hair, check the need to cut your nails and put on your shoes if your baby already knows how to walk.

When to bathe the baby?

Parents should adapt the bath time to the baby's preferences and, therefore, the bath can be given in the morning, to wake up, or at night, to fall asleep, depending on the reaction and personality of each baby.

Do all babies like the bath?

Most babies from 6 months, especially when they are already seated, enjoy the bath and feel comfortable, even enjoying playing with water. However, newborns in most cases cry a lot and so the bath should be quick so as not to cause discomfort.

How to give the baby a complete bath