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Kangoo jump: what it is, benefits and how to practice


The kangoo jump corresponds to a type of physical activity in which a special shoe is used that has a special damping system, consisting of special springs, and propulsion that can be used in classes at the gym in order to reduce the impact on the joints, decreasing the impact, and increasing the caloric expenditure, since it directly influences the intensity of the movement.

A kangoo jump class can last between 30 and 45 minutes, has high intensity and can promote the burning of 400 to 800 calories depending on the person's metabolism, physical conditioning and intensity of the class. In addition to promoting caloric expenditure, kangoo jump improves balance, reduces impact on joints and improves fitness.

Benefits of Kangoo jump

The kangoo jump has several health benefits, mainly because the class is done in high intensity, the main ones being:

  • Increases fat burning; Improves body posture; Promotes muscle mass gain; Decreases impact on joints and therefore prevents injuries; Improves balance; Improves concentration; Stabilizes joints; Increases energy; Improves conditioning improves cardiorespiratory fitness.

In addition, kangoo jump classes activate several body muscles, but the abdominal and leg muscles, such as the glutes, quadriceps and calf, are the most worked during kangoo jump practice.

How to practice Kangoo jump

To have maximum benefits, it is recommended that the kangoo jump be done in a gym, as there will be a professional qualified to teach this type of class and able to stimulate the practice with greater intensity. Classes at the academy usually last between 30 and 45 minutes and are usually performed by the teacher and must be accompanied by the students.

It is also possible that kangoo jump is practiced alone outdoors, and can even be used for running, since the impact on the knee is much less, with no risk of injury.

Despite being a safe practice, kangoo jump is not recommended for pregnant women and for people who have uncontrolled labyrinthitis, and people who have "flat feet" may experience pain in the soles of their feet and, therefore, is recommended the use of special insoles to better accommodate the feet.

Kangoo jump: what it is, benefits and how to practice