Home Bulls 3 Ways to fight insomnia in the elderly

3 Ways to fight insomnia in the elderly


Insomnia in the elderly, characterized by difficulty in initiating sleep or staying asleep, is common from the age of 65, but it can be mitigated with simple measures, use of insomnia teas, calming juices or medications.

Insomnia causes a decrease in the ability to concentrate, attention and memory and an increase in sleepiness during the day, which favors imbalance and increases the risk of falls, accidents, injuries and fractures.

Elderly people with insomnia are usually dependent on sleeping pills, as they use them excessively and often without medical advice, and are unable to sleep without them. See some examples of these medications at: Sleep Remedies.

How to treat insomnia in the elderly

Treatment for insomnia in the elderly should be indicated by a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders and includes identifying the cause of insomnia and then starting the correct treatment. Once the cause is identified, treatment can be done with:

1. Good sleep habits

To ensure a good night's sleep it is advised:

  • No smoking; Avoid consumption of coffee, black tea, cola and alcoholic beverages. However, 1 glass of red wine at dinner is recommended; give preference to light meals at dinner. See more examples in What to eat for insomnia.

Another important advice to avoid worsening insomnia is not to doze off in the room and go to bed only when you feel very sleepy and you are sure that when you lie in bed you will sleep.

2. Home remedies

Some good home remedies for insomnia in the elderly are passion fruit juice, chamomile tea and valerian capsules, which are natural and have sedative properties, favoring sleep, without side effects. These can be used at the same time as the drugs because they complement the treatment against insomnia. See how to prepare in: Home remedy for insomnia.

Watch the nutritionist's tips to beat insomnia:

3. Insomnia remedies

Some names of sleeping pills that the doctor may indicate are Lorax and Dormire, but he can also prescribe drugs indicated for other purposes, but that also favor sleep like antihistamines: Periatin and Fenergan; antidepressants: Amytril and Pamelor; or sedatives: Stilnox.

What can cause insomnia in the elderly

Insomnia in the elderly is mainly due to old age, chronic diseases, such as heart failure or diabetes, use of medications and habits such as drinking too much coffee or consuming alcoholic beverages excessively. Other causes can be:

  • Change of routine, as in the case of hospitalization or travel; Side effects of some antihypertensive, antidepressant and bronchodilator drugs; Excessive use of sleeping pills; Chronic respiratory diseases, such as sleep apnea or asthma.

Other possible causes may be anxiety, depression or dementia, but as there are many causes of insomnia in the elderly, it is very important to first identify the cause of insomnia and then the doctor to indicate the appropriate treatment.

3 Ways to fight insomnia in the elderly