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What to do when the nipple is cracked


Nipple cracks appear especially in the first weeks of breastfeeding due to the baby's improper attachment to the breast. It can be suspected that the baby is holding the breast incorrectly when the nipple is crushed when it stops breastfeeding. If it is wrinkled, it is very likely that the handle is incorrect and that the next day there will be cracks and bleeding.

To cure cracked and bleeding nipples, you must continue breastfeeding, but always check that the baby is making the correct grip. It is important to continue breastfeeding if there are cracks or bleeding because breast milk itself is an excellent natural remedy to heal cracked nipples.

If the baby has candidiasis in the mouth, which is very common, the fungus candida albicans can pass to the mother's nipple and may have candidiasis in the breast, in which case the pain in the nipple becomes even greater in the form of a hook or a burning sensation. in the first minutes of breastfeeding, and remains until after the baby has finished breastfeeding. But this pain comes up again or gets worse whenever the baby sucks, making it very uncomfortable for the woman. Find out if in addition to the crack you may have candidiasis in the breast and what to do to heal faster.

What to pass in the nipples

In order to heal the crack in the nipple faster whenever the baby finishes breastfeeding, you must pass some droplets of your own breast milk over the entire nipple and let it dry naturally because the milk is very moisturizing and has everything the skin needs to heal itself.

However, it may also be recommended by the doctor to apply a thin layer of a lanolin ointment on the nipple when finishing breastfeeding. This ointment can be purchased at any pharmacy, but must be removed with a cotton pad soaked in water before putting the baby to breastfeed.

Doing about 15 minutes of top less daily while breastfeeding is also a great way to protect your nipples and fight cracks, but the most suitable time to expose yourself in that way in the sun is in the morning, before 10 am or after 4 pm hours, because you need to be without sunscreen.

In the bath, just use water and soap on the breasts and dry with a soft towel. Then place breastfeeding discs inside the bra because it helps keep the nipples more comfortable and dry, preventing infections.

See how to treat cracked nipples at: Home remedy for breast cracking.

What not to pass on the nipples

It is contraindicated to pass alcohol, mertiolate or any other disinfectant substance on the nipples during the breastfeeding phase, so as not to harm the baby. It is also not recommended to use bepantol, glycerin, petroleum jelly

When there are changes such as sore nipples, what should be done is to continue breastfeeding, taking care to check that the baby is breastfeeding in the correct position and pass only breast milk or lanolin ointment on the nipple. Both milk and lanolin help in healing, without harming the baby.

Can I continue breastfeeding with a cracked nipple and bleeding?

Yes, it can and should, because the milk does not accumulate causing even more pain. Milk and blood can be taken by the baby without any problem, but if you think there is too much blood, talk to your pediatrician.

How to avoid nipple cracks

To avoid cracking the nipples during the breastfeeding phase, it is recommended to follow some simple tips every time the baby feeds. Are they:

  • Lightly press each nipple until a little milk comes out and wet the entire nipple and areola with this milk to hydrate the skin, especially after the baby suckles; Avoid using creams or ointments on the nipples, using only if there are cracks and under medical guidance; Use a nipple protector inside the bra and always use a good breastfeeding bra, as the wrong number can hinder the production and withdrawal of the milk; Whenever possible, remove the bra and expose the breasts to the sun to keep the nipples always good dry, since humidity also favors the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

The cracks are not caused by the time it takes the baby to breastfeed, but by the dryness of the baby's skin and the "bad grip" on the areola, so this situation should be corrected quickly. The doctor or nurse will be able to help facilitate the baby's holding and thus improve the milk flow and avoid the discomfort that cracks can cause.

What is the correct way for the baby to breastfeed?

Nose free to breathe properly

Mouth wide open, also grabbing the areola

In order for the baby to be able to make the correct grip, expressing the maximum amount of milk with each suction and not causing the cracks in the mother's nipples, the baby must be positioned as follows:

  1. Having the tummy leaning against the mother's belly, Having the mouth wide open, also taking up the halo and not just the nipple.

In addition, the mother should vary the position in which she breastfeeds at each feeding, but some babies need to stop to burp at the same feeding, which is a great opportunity to change the baby's position. See the best positions for the baby to breastfeed without harming the mother's breast.

If you still have doubts or if you are trying to breastfeed but it is being very difficult and uncomfortable you should seek help in the maternity ward where the baby was born, with doulas, nurses or midwives because they are the best professionals to indicate everything you should do to be able to breastfeed throughout as long as you want, without pain or suffering.

What to do when the nipple is cracked