Home Home-Remedies How to eliminate throat caseum naturally (with home remedies)

How to eliminate throat caseum naturally (with home remedies)


The formation of cases or caseum in the crypts of the tonsils is very common, mainly in adulthood. Caeses are yellow or white, smelly balls that form in the tonsils due to the accumulation of food debris, saliva and cells in the mouth, which can easily come out through coughing or sneezing.

A good way to eliminate the hair and reduce its formation is through gargling with saline solutions or mouthwashes, which should not contain alcohol in the composition, as this substance increases the dryness and dehydration in the oral mucosa, increasing the peeling of cells and, consequently, increasing the formation of lingual coating and chase.

As an alternative to these solutions, natural solutions can be prepared at home with ingredients with antiseptic properties, which help to prevent the formation of chase, not only because they contain these substances, but also due to the swirling effect achieved by gargling.

1. Pomegranate and propolis rinse

A solution with pomegranate and propolis is a great option to help in the treatment of cases, because pomegranate has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and propolis is a natural antibiotic.


  • 20 g of pomegranate leaves and flowers; 3 drops of propolis; 2 cups of water.

Method of preparation

Put the water to a boil and after boiling, add the pomegranate and the propolis and let it cool. You can gargle for about 30 seconds up to 5 times a day.

2. Plantain tea

A good home remedy for caseum is to make a tea or gargle with a plantain solution, as this medicinal plant contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties that help in the treatment of cases. Learn more about the benefits of plantain.


  • 10 g of plantain leaves; 500 mL of water.

Method of preparation

Put the water and plantain to a boil and, as soon as it starts boiling, wait 3 minutes and turn off the fire. Let stand for 15 minutes, filter and drink about 3 cups of tea a day. Alternatively, you can let it cool and use it as a solution to gargle several times a day.

Find out other tips that can help eliminate the tonsils.

How to eliminate throat caseum naturally (with home remedies)