Home Bulls Early symptoms of alzheimer's in young people

Early symptoms of alzheimer's in young people


Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia syndrome that causes degeneration and progressive brain impairment. The symptoms appear little by little, initially with memory failures, which can progress to mental confusion, apathy, changes in mood and difficulties to perform daily tasks, such as cooking or paying bills for example.

This disease is more common in the elderly over 60 years, however it is possible to occur in younger adults. When it affects young people, this disease is called early Alzheimer's, or family, being a rare condition and it only happens due to genetic and hereditary causes, and it can appear after 35 years of age. Better understand what are the causes of Alzheimer's and how to diagnose.

Alzheimer's symptoms in young people

The symptoms in Alzheimer's disease are progressive, that is, they appear gradually. Thus, the initial signs and symptoms are subtle, often imperceptible, but they get worse over the months or years.

Initial symptoms Advanced symptoms
Forgetting where you kept objects; Mental confusion;
Having difficulty remembering people's names, addresses or numbers; Saying meaningless things;
Store objects in unusual places; Apathy and depression;
Forget important events; Frequent falls;
Difficulty in orienting yourself in time and space; Lack of coordination;
Difficulty performing calculations or spelling words; Urinary and fecal incontinence;
Having difficulty remembering activities that you performed frequently, such as cooking or sewing. Difficulty in basic daily activities, such as showering, going to the bathroom and talking on the phone.

It is important to note that the presence of one or some of these symptoms does not confirm the presence of Alzheimer's, as they can happen in other situations, such as in people with anxiety and depression, for example, requiring consultation with a neurologist, geriatrician or general practitioner for evaluate the possibilities.

If you suspect that a family member may have this disease, take the following test:

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Rapid Alzheimer's test. Take the test or find out what your risk of having this disease is.

Start the test

Is your memory good?
  • I have a good memory, although there are small forgetfulnesses that do not interfere with my day-to-day. Sometimes I forget some things like the question they asked me, I forget commitments and where I left the keys. I usually forget what I went to do in the kitchen, in living room, or in the bedroom and also what I was doing. I can't remember simple and recent information like the name of someone I just met, even if I try hard. It is impossible to remember where I am and who are the people around me.
Do you know what day it is?
  • I am usually able to recognize people, places and know what day it is today. I don't remember very well what day it is today and I have a slight difficulty saving dates. I'm not sure what month it is, but I am able to recognize familiar places., but I get a little confused in new places and I can get lost. I don't remember exactly who my family members are, where I live and I don't remember anything from my past. All I know is my name, but sometimes I remember the names of my children, grandchildren or other relatives
Are you still able to make decisions?
  • I am fully able to solve everyday problems and deal well with personal and financial issues. I have some difficulty understanding some abstract concepts such as why a person may be sad, for example. I am feeling a little insecure and I'm afraid to make decisions and that's why I prefer others to decide for me. I do not feel able to solve any problem and the only decision I make is what I want to eat. I am not able to make any decisions and I am totally dependent on the help of others.
Do you still have an active life outside the home?
  • Yes, I can work normally, I shop, I am involved with the community, church and other social groups. Yes, but I am starting to have some difficulty in driving but I still feel safe and I know how to handle emergency or unplanned situations. Yes, but I am unable to be alone in important situations and I need someone to accompany me on social commitments to be able to appear as a "normal" person to others. No, I do not leave the house alone because I am unable and I always need help. No, I am unable to leave the house alone and I'm too sick for that.
How are your skills at home?
  • Great. I still have chores at home, I have hobbies and personal interests. I no longer feel like doing anything at home, but if they insist, I can try to do something. I completely abandoned my activities, as well as more complex hobbies and interests. all I know is taking a shower alone, getting dressed and watching TV and I am not able to do any other task at home. I am not able to do anything alone and I need help with everything.
How is your personal hygiene?
  • I am fully capable of taking care of myself, dressing, washing, showering and using the bathroom. I am starting to have some difficulty taking care of my own personal hygiene. I need others to remind me that I have to go to the bathroom, but I can do my own thing. I need help getting dressed and cleaning myself and sometimes I pee on my clothes. I can't do anything alone and I need someone else to take care of my personal hygiene.
Is your behavior changing?
  • I have normal social behavior and there are no changes in my personality. I have small changes in my behavior, personality and emotional control. My personality is changing little by little, before I was very friendly and now I am a bit grumpy. They say I have changed a lot and I am no longer the same person and I am already shunned by my old friends, neighbors and distant relatives. My behavior has changed a lot and I have become a difficult and unpleasant person.
Can you communicate well?
  • I have no difficulty in speaking or writing. I am beginning to have some difficulty in finding the right words and it takes me longer to complete my reasoning. It is increasingly difficult to find the right words and I have been having difficulty naming objects and I notice that I have less vocabulary.It is very difficult to communicate, I have difficulty with words, to understand what they say to me and I do not know how to read or write. I simply cannot communicate, I say almost nothing, I do not write and I do not understand very well what they say.
How's your mood?
  • Normal, I don't notice any change in my mood, interest or motivation. Sometimes I get sad, nervous, anxious or depressed, but without major worries in life. I get sad, nervous or anxious every day and this has become more and more frequent. Every day I feel sad, nervous, anxious or depressed and I have no interest or motivation to perform any task. Sadness, depression, anxiety and nervousness are my daily companions and I totally lost my interest in things and I no longer have motivation for nothing.
Can you focus and pay attention?
  • I have perfect attention, good concentration and great interaction with everything around me. I'm starting to have difficulty paying attention to something and I get drowsy during the day. I have some difficulty in attention and little concentration and so I can stay staring at a point or with my eyes closed for some time, even without sleeping. I spend a good part of the day sleeping, I don't pay attention to anything and when I talk I say things without logic or that have nothing to do with the topic of the conversation. I can't pay attention to nothing and I am completely devolved.

Which young people are most at risk

Early, or familial, Alzheimer's disease occurs in less than 10% of cases of this disease, and is due to hereditary genetic causes. Thus, the people at greatest risk are those who already have a close relative with this type of dementia, such as parents or grandparents, for example.

The children of people with hereditary Alzheimer's can have a genetic test, which can indicate whether there is a risk of developing the disease, such as Apolipoprotein E genotyping, but it is an expensive genetic test and available in a few neurology centers.

What to do in case of suspicion

If Alzheimer's disease is suspected in young people, it is important to consult with a general practitioner or neurologist to have a clinical evaluation, physical examination, memory tests and blood tests requested.

This is because this disease is very rare in people who are not elderly, and it is much more likely that the change in memory may be occurring for other causes, such as:

  • Anxiety; Depression; Psychiatric diseases, such as bipolar disorder; Vitamin deficiency, such as vitamin B12; Infectious diseases, such as advanced syphilis or HIV; Endocrinological diseases, such as hypothyroidism; Brain injury, caused by trauma in accidents or after a stroke.

These changes can impair memory and cause mental confusion, being very confused with Alzheimer's disease. Thus, the treatment will be specific and according to the cause, and it may be necessary to use antidepressants, antipsychotics or thyroid hormones, for example.

However, if an early Alzheimer's disease is confirmed, the treatment will be guided by the neurologist, who can indicate the use of medications, such as Donepezila, Galantamina or Rivastigmine, in addition to carrying out activities such as occupational therapy, physical therapy and physical exercises, which are activities especially indicated in the initial phase of the disease to stimulate memory and assist in carrying out daily activities. Find out what treatment options are available for Alzheimer's disease.

Early symptoms of alzheimer's in young people