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How to relax on the worst day of your life


When the mind is tired and overwhelmed it can be difficult to concentrate and stop thinking about the same subject over and over again. Stopping for 5 minutes to stretch, have a soothing coffee or tea and paint mandalas, which are suitable for adults, are some ways to get control, achieving well-being quickly and efficiently.

See 10 options of what you can do to be able to calm your mind, control your thoughts and calm down, without having to step away from your day-to-day chores.

1. Have a soothing tea

Having a chamomile or valerian tea is a great way to calm your mind and body. These teas contain sedative properties that help you stay calm in a time of stress or anxiety crisis. Simply add 1 sachet of each tea in a cup and cover with boiling water. Then rest for 2 to 3 minutes and take it warm, if you want to sweeten the best option is honey because it also helps to fight anxiety and nervousness.

See other great calming recipes to combat anxiety and agitation.

2. Stretch your muscles

For those who work long hours in the same position, whether standing or sitting, it is very good to be able to stop a few minutes to stretch the muscles. This type of exercise is an excellent way to relax thoughts and also the body, achieving well-being quickly. In the photos below we indicate some examples that are always welcome:

3. Paint a drawing

There are very detailed drawings, called mandalas, that can be bought at stationers and newsstands, and some kits already come with colored pencils and pens. Stopping 5 minutes to focus your attention only on painting the drawing will also help to focus your mind to get some rest.

4. Eat a piece of chocolate

Eating 1 square of semi-dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa also helps to calm your nerves and feel calmer in a short time. Chocolate helps to regulate the amount of cortisol, which is the stress hormone in the blood and helps in the release of endorphins, which promote well-being. However, one should not consume a larger amount, due to the high calorie content, which can lead to weight gain.

5. Meditate for 3 to 5 minutes

Sometimes stopping to do nothing and just focusing your attention on the sensations your body produces is an excellent way to calm and organize your thoughts. A good strategy is to look for a calm and peaceful place, where you can sit quietly and close your eyes for a few minutes. During this period, one should not think about the day-to-day chores or cause for concern, but pay attention to one's own breathing, for example.

See 5 steps to meditate alone and correctly.

6. Massage your hands and feet

Like the feet, the hands contain reflex points that help to relax the whole body. Washing your hands and applying a moisturizer is the first step. Then you should use your thumb and the palm of your hand to massage the other, but if possible let someone else do the massage on your hands. The most important points involve the thumb and the fingertips that bring a good feeling of tranquility to the whole body.

Sliding your feet over marbles, ping pong or tennis also stimulates reflex points on the soles of your feet, relaxing your entire body. The ideal is to wash your feet and apply a moisturizing cream, but if you are working and it is not possible, just sliding the balls on your bare feet will promote calm and tranquility. If you want to watch this video where we teach you how to do this massage step by step:

7. Bet on aromatherapy

Dripping two drops of lavender essential oil on the wrist and smelling whenever you feel more stressed is also a great natural solution for not having to resort to taking medication for anxiety or depression. It is also recommended to put a branch of lavender inside the pillow to calm down and get better sleep.

8. Use coffee to your advantage

For those who don't like coffee, just feel the aroma of coffee to stimulate the brain to produce endorphins that promote well-being. For those who like and can taste, having 1 cup of strong coffee can also be a good way to be able to relax faster. However, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day is not a good option because too much caffeine can excite the nervous system too much.

9. Watch a comedy

Watching a comedy movie, funny episodes in a series, or chatting with a fun person is also a great way to feel good. Although forced laughter does not have exactly the same effect as a genuine good laugh, even it can help you feel better by being able to relax your body and mind. When smiling endorphins are released into the bloodstream and the effect can be felt in a few minutes, relaxing the body and mind.

10. Be in touch with nature

Walking barefoot, or just with socks, on the grass is an excellent way to relax quickly. It only takes a few minutes to feel more rested, which can be done during a snack break or at lunchtime, for example.

Watching the ocean waves has the same calming effect for the mind, but if it is too hot, the effect can be the opposite, so the ideal is to start or end the day watching the sea. If it is not possible, you can watch a video of the sea or paradisiacal places for a few minutes. The blue and green colors calm the brain and mind quickly and efficiently.

How to relax on the worst day of your life