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5 Ways to fight sagging breast and lift breasts


To end the flaccidity of the breasts, which happens due to changes in the breast support fibers, mainly due to aging, excessive weight loss, breastfeeding or smoking, for example, it is possible to resort to alternatives, such as the use of skin firming creams, exercises to strengthen the muscles or aesthetic procedures, such as radio frequency.

In more severe cases or that do not improve with previous treatments, there is the option of plastic surgery, called breast lifting or mastopexy, which removes excess skin and raises the breasts.

These treatments, preferably, should be performed after evaluation by the mastologist or gynecologist, who evaluate the health of the breasts and the absence of nodules or changes that can be harmful to health. The main options for lifting the breasts and fighting sagging breasts are:

1. Use a firming cream

A great tip to lift your breasts and keep them on top is to use a moisturizing cream based on assets such as tensine and DMAE. These two substances promote tension in the area where they are applied and favor the support of the breasts, in addition to stimulating the production of collagen.

The cream should be applied from the bottom up, always in the morning and, because it is strong, it should not be applied every day. It is recommended to use it 3 to 4 times a week, on alternate days.

Price: these creams cost around 100 to 350 reais, which varies according to the brand, the quantity and the location sold.

2. Wear a modeling bra

Choosing the right bra for each woman's bust helps make the breasts firmer, even if not permanently, which improves the woman's appearance and self-esteem.

The reducing or sports bra helps to better support the breasts, thus avoiding possible complications related to the weight of the breasts, such as back pain or back problems. See other tips for those with large breasts in 3 tips to reduce breasts and keep everything on top.

Price: these bras can cost between 25 to 100 reais, which varies according to the brand and product quality.

3. Practice exercises for the pectorals

Flexion and weight lifting exercises with dumbbells, such as bench presses and side openings, help to strengthen the pectoral muscles, which are positioned behind the breasts, in addition to helping to decrease the amount of fat around the breasts, also reducing sagging of the arms.

These exercises are very simple and can be done at the gym or at home, just having little weights to lift, preferably dumbbells. Check out some examples:

Exercise 1

Lying on your back with your knees bent, hold the weights over your chest. While exhaling, stretch your arms up and then bring the weights up to your chest while inhaling, as shown in the image. Do 15 repetitions, 3 times.

Exercise 2

Lying on your back, with your knees bent, open and close your arms with the weights in hand. While exhaling, raise your arms up until the weights touch and then slowly lower your arms inhaling, as shown in the image. Do 15 repetitions, 3 times.

Exercise 3

Do push-ups on the floor, stretching and contracting your arms, as shown in the image. The knees may or may not be resting on the floor. Do 12 repetitions, 3 times.

4. Aesthetic treatments

Some modern aesthetic treatments work using methods that promise to lift the breasts, through:

  • Radiofrequency: a procedure that generates heat in the breast tissue, and promises to stimulate the contraction of collagen and ligaments present in the breast, which helps to firm and the breasts and give a toned appearance. Non-surgical lifting: also known as cold laser, it is done with the application of hyaluronic acid gel on the skin of the breasts and promises to transport this acid to the deeper layers of the skin, providing an improvement in appearance, increased volume and firmness of the breasts.

These treatments are found in beauty clinics, and must be performed by specialized and experienced professionals, preferably under the guidance of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Price: these treatments cost about 350 to 500 reais, which may vary according to the clinic that performs the procedure.

5. Mastopexy or breast lift

For more serious cases, or for those looking for a more definitive solution for sagging breasts, there is plastic surgery to lift the breasts, also known as mammoplasty, mastopexy or breast lifting, capable of removing excess skin to give a more firm and young to the breasts.

It can be done only to lift the breasts, or it can be associated with the silicone implant. Find out more about how this mastopexy surgery is performed.

Price: it can vary between about 5, 000 to 10, 000 reais, which depends on the surgeon and the place where the surgery is performed.

How to avoid sagging breast

The sagging of the breasts that appears over the years can also be prevented with some attitudes, such as:

  • Drink about 2 liters of water a day, keeping your skin hydrated; Avoid the accordion effect, as getting fat and losing weight is one of the main causes of sagging breasts; Avoid cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption, as it impairs circulation and skin health; Keep the body active with the practice of regular physical exercises, to tone the muscles of the body; Have a diet rich in proteins and collagen, to help strengthen the muscles and maintain the firmness of the skin. Check out a menu with collagen-rich foods.

In addition, a balanced diet, rich in vegetables and low in industrialized products, in addition to the consumption of green tea and red fruits, increases the levels of antioxidants in the body, which is important to prevent sagging skin, as these substances fight premature aging.

5 Ways to fight sagging breast and lift breasts