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Lymphatic drainage step by step


Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a type of body massage performed with the hands that serves to eliminate excess fluids and toxins from the body, facilitating the treatment of cellulite, swelling or lymphedema, and is also used in the postoperative period of surgeries, including plastic surgery.

Lymphatic drainage does not lose weight because it does not eliminate fat but reduces volume by eliminating body swelling. It should always be carried out towards the lymph nodes by applying only a little pressure with your hands on the skin, as the excess pressure can inhibit the lymphatic circulation, compromising its benefit.

The price of lymphatic drainage varies between 80 and 100 reais per session, depending on the region of the body to be treated and the clinic where the procedure will be performed. Each complete body drainage session should last an average of 45 minutes, with a few minutes of rest to follow.

Types of maneuvers used

There are several maneuvers that can be performed during a drainage session, but the most commonly used are:

  • Circles with the fingers (without the thumb): concentric circular movements are carried out by pressing lightly on the skin and circles are made several times in succession in place but without rubbing the skin; Pressure with the side of the hand: position the side of the hand (little finger) over the region to be treated and rotate the wrist, maintaining the contact of the other fingers with the skin. Perform this movement repeatedly; Slip or Bracelet: used on the arms and legs or places where the open palm fits. Place your hand over the region to be treated and press the place with a dragging motion, start from the region closest to the ganglia and move away; Pressure with the thumb, with circular movement: support only the thumb in the region to be treated and perform concentric circular movements by lightly pressing the skin consecutively in place, without rubbing the region.

The pressure applied must be smooth, similar to a feel, and the drainage directions must be strictly respected in order to have the expected effect.

Steps to do Manual Lymphatic Drainage

1. Stimulation of the lymphatic system

Lymphatic drainage should always be initiated with maneuvers that stimulate the emptying of lymph nodes, located in the groin region and in the supraclavicular region.

The stimulus in these regions must be done, before starting the emptying maneuvers, and must be repeated, 1-3 times, throughout the session to maximize its results.

Initially, the stimuli of these regions should be done with circular or pumping movements repeated 10-15 times. Then the following order must be followed to perform a complete body drainage:

2. Lymphatic drainage facial

Drainage from the face begins with drainage from the neck. Drainage of the neck begins with circles with the fingers that exert pressure on the supraclavicular region, then smooth circles should be made on the sternocleidomastoid muscle, on the side of the neck and also on the nuchal region. Then, the drainage on the face itself begins and for that, drainage around the mouth must be started. To do this, you must:

  • Support the index and middle finger, pressing the chin area with circular movements; Perform movements in the region under the mouth and around it, including above the upper lip, bringing the lymph towards the center of the chin; The circles with the fingers (ring, middle and index) push the lymph from the cheeks towards the angle of the jaw. The movement starts at the bottom of the cheek, up to the angle, and then comes closer to the nose, bringing the lymph towards the angle; The lower eyelid must be drained towards the ganglia close to the ear; The upper eyelid, the corner of the eyes and the forehead should also be drained towards the ear.

You can also watch the steps in this video:

3. Lymphatic drainage in the arm, hand and fingers

Drainage of the arm, hand and fingers begins with stimulation in the axillary region, with several series of 4-5 circles. The following should:

  1. Make the sliding or bracelet movement from the elbow to the armpit region. Repeat 5-7 times; Make sliding or bracelet movements from the wrist to the elbow. Repeat 3-5 times; Next to the wrist, the movements should be performed with the fingertips in circular movements; Hand drainage begins with the circular movements of the region near the thumb to the base of the fingers; The fingers are drained with circles combined with the fingertips and the thumb along its length;

The drainage of this area ends with the stimulation of the axillary nodes.

4. Lymphatic drainage of the chest and breasts

The drainage of this region begins with the stimulation of the ganglia of the supraclavicular and axillary region with circular movements or pumping. The following should:

  1. Position the fingers with circular movements, the lower region of the breast should be drained towards the armpit. Repeat 5-7 times; The region of the center of the chest should be drained towards the subclavicular region. Repeat 5-7 times.

The drainage of this region ends with the stimulation of the subclavicular region.

5. Lymphatic drainage in the belly

Drainage of the abdomen begins with stimulation of the inguinal region. The following should:

  1. Make pressure movements with the side of the hand around the navel towards the iliac crest, and after the iliac crest to the inguinal region. Repeat between 5-10 times on each side; Drain the side of the belly should be from top to bottom, gently pressing the skin until it reaches the hip. Repeat between 5-10 times.

The drainage of the abdominal wall ends with the pumping stimulation of the inguinal ganglia.

6. Lymphatic drainage in the leg, feet and toes

The drainage of the legs and feet begins with stimulation of the inguinal region with consecutive pressures and circular movements with the fingertips in several series of 4-5 circles. The following should:

  1. Place your hands in a bracelet shape on the thigh and slide from the middle of the thigh to the ganglia, 5-10 times and then from the region closest to the knee, to the inguinal region, 5-10 times; The inner thigh region must be drained towards the genitals; Drainage of the knee begins with drainage of the popliteal ganglia located at the back of the knee; The drainage of the back of the leg should always be towards the lymph nodes near the genitals; Make bracelet movements from the ankle to the back of the knees, pressing your hands against the skin. Repeat between 5-10 times; Place your hands behind the knee bend and go up to the groin, passing through the butt. Repeat between 5-10 times. To drain the feet, circular movements should be carried out with the fingertips from the malleolar region to the back of the knee.

7. Lymphatic drainage of the back and buttocks

The maneuvers performed on the back and buttocks can be pressure with the side of the hand and the movements in a circle with the fingers. Drain:

  • The middle of the back towards the armpit; The lumbar region towards the inguinal region; The upper and middle region of the gluteus towards the inguinal region; The lower part of the gluteus towards the genitals.

The drainage of this region ends with the stimulation of the inguinal ganglia.

After completing the drain, the individual should lie down, resting for 5-10 minutes. If you are being treated for lymphedema, for example, you can use an elastic sock or sleeve to prevent the area from becoming swollen again. If you are going to perform intense physical activity next, you should also use the compression sock or sleeve during physical activity.

How many sessions to do

Drainage can be performed 1 to 5 times a week, according to the need, and the number of sessions must be prescribed by the therapist who will perform the procedure, after an initial assessment.

How Lymphatic Drainage Works

Lymphatic drainage removes the fluids that cause swelling, which is one of the causes of cellulite, which is redirected into the blood, filtered through the kidneys and subsequently eliminated from the body through urine. However, the results are more easily visible when a healthy diet and regular exercise are combined. Discover other benefits of lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic drainage step by step