Home Bulls Japanese rejuvenating facial massage

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage


There is a rejuvenating facial massage, which was created by a Japanese beautician, called Yukuko Tanaka, which promises to reduce the signs of age, such as wrinkles, sagging, double chin and dull skin, without the need to use anti-aging creams.

This massage of about 3 minutes long, should be done every day, before bed, with a cream adapted to the type of skin or a sweet almond oil, for example, so that you can better perform the movements. In two weeks, you can already see visible results, less flabby skin and more beautiful and luminous.

The massage, if performed correctly, stimulates the lymph nodes and helps to remove excess toxins from the face. In addition, it promotes lymphatic drainage, also helping to reduce swelling, also improving the appearance of dark circles and puffiness in the eyes. See other ways to get rid of bags under your eyes.

How to perform the massage step by step

The person can do the massage himself, using a cream or oil, performing the following steps:

1. With your fingers, apply light pressure from the hair root, close to the ears, down the neck to the collarbone, in order to promote lymphatic drainage, as if drawing a line. It can be done simultaneously, on both sides, with both hands and repeat 3 times;

2. Press lightly with 3 fingers of both hands from the center of the forehead, sliding to the temples and then down to the collarbone, always with light pressure. Repeat 3 times;

3. To massage the eyes, you must start from the outer corner of the eye, massaging the lower part next to the bony region of the eyes to the inside and ascending around the under the eyebrows, also in the bony region, until you make a complete turn and arrive to the inner corners of the eye, and then slide to the temples, press lightly and descend again to the collarbones. Repeat all steps three times;

4. Then, massage the mouth area. To do this, start the movement by the chin, placing your fingers in the center of the chin and slide to the corners of the mouth and then continue towards the region below the nose, where you should apply a little more pressure, repeating 3 times. Then, massage the nose flaps on both sides using repeated up and down movements;

5. Press on the temples and slide down the neck to the collarbone and then press lightly with the fingers on the corners of the chin, directing them upwards, passing through the corners of the mouth and then on the two sides of the nose, continuing until to the inner part of the eye limit. In this region, you must press for about 3 seconds, with your fingers in the region immediately below the eyes, which will help to reduce the extra stored fat. After that, you should slide your hands again to the ears and then go down to the neck, repeating 3 times;

6. Apply small pressure with your fingers from the middle of the lower jaw and slide with light pressure to the inner corner of the eyes and then slide towards the temples and down again to the collarbone. Repeat 3 times on each side of the face;

7. Press on both sides of the base of the nose for about 3 seconds and then slide and press again to the temples and then descend to the collarbones. Repeat 3 times;

8. Press with the soft part of the thumb, which is the region between the thumb and the wrist, on the cheeks, just below the bone, sliding down to the ears and then down to the collarbones. Repeat 3 times;

9. With the same hand region used in the previous step, press from the center of the chin, sliding down to the temples, passing under the cheek bone and down again to the collarbone. Repeat 3 times;

10. Slide the palm of the hand from the region below the chin, to the ear, always following the facial contour line, repeat 2 to 5 times, and do the same on the other side;

11. Make a triangle with your hands and support that triangle on your face, so that the thumbs touch the chin and the indexes are positioned between the eyes and slide outwards to the ears and then descend to the collarbones. Repeat 3 times;

12. With one hand, slide your fingers across the forehead, down and up, repeatedly from side to side and after that, descend to the collarbone. Repeat 3 times.

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage