Home Bulls Hysteria: what it is and how it is done

Hysteria: what it is and how it is done


Hysteria is a psychological disorder characterized by headache, shortness of breath, feeling faint and nervous tics, for example, and is more frequent in people who suffer from generalized anxiety.

People with hysteria usually do not have control over their emotions, so it is important to consult a psychologist so that appropriate treatment can be started to relieve symptoms of hysteria and improve quality of life.

How to identify hysteria

Symptoms of hysteria usually appear in periods of stress or anxiety, and there may be difficulty in breathing, amnesia, nervous tics, loss of control of emotions, headache and feeling faint, for example. Know how to recognize the symptoms of hysteria.

Thus, to prevent the symptoms of hysteria from recurring frequently, it is recommended to consult a psychologist for a prolonged treatment that helps to develop ways to deal with stressful moments, without symptoms appearing.

How the treatment is done

The most used treatments for hysteria include:

  • Psychotherapy, which is done in the psychologist's office through conversations that help the patient to find ways to relieve stress and anxiety without developing symptoms; Physiotherapy, which helps to alleviate the consequences of some symptoms of hysteria, such as decreased muscle strength due to frequent paralysis; Anxiety remedies : Some remedies like Alprazolam and Pregabalin can be prescribed by a psychiatrist to help relieve the constant feeling of anxiety, avoiding stress attacks that can lead to hysteria symptoms.

In addition, when these techniques do not deliver the expected results, the doctor may also recommend doing brain stimulation with small shocks to alter the brain's chemical processes and prevent excess stress. All of these techniques can be used separately or in combination with each other, depending on the patient's symptoms and the results achieved.

Hysteria: what it is and how it is done