Home Home-Remedies How to get your bug out at home safely

How to get your bug out at home safely


The best homemade way to remove the bug from the sole of the feet is to wash your feet with vinegar and then put on a propolis compress. This will cause the bug to be eliminated, without the need to cut the skin, with scissors, pliers, a needle or other sharp instrument that can infect the feet, aggravating the situation.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of medicines and ointments that facilitate the exit or elimination of the bug by the body itself.

Home treatment

The home treatment for foot bug must be carried out in 2 steps:

1. Wash your feet with vinegar and marigold

Marigold and vinegar have antiseptic and antiparasitic properties, helping to combat the bug, in addition to keeping the skin clean and healthy.


  • 4 tablespoons of dried marigold flowers; 60 ml of vinegar; 100 ml of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Marigold leaves should be added to a container with boiling water, which should be capped until the solution is warm. Subsequently, the solution should be poured into a basin where the individual's feet will fit and finally vinegar should be added. Then, the feet should be soaked in this mixture, 4 to 5 times a day, for approximately 20 minutes each time.

2. Apply propolis

The second step of the home treatment is to apply the propolis extract directly to the affected region and cover it with a bandage, because the propolis extract helps in the disinfection of wounds and speeds up the tissue regeneration process. It is recommended that the application of propolis be done after washing the feet and be repeated at least 4 times a day for about 3 days.

When to use medicine to remove the bug

The use of medicines to remove the bug from the foot should be done according to the dermatologist's guidance and it is usually indicated the use of antibiotic drugs in the form of a pill or in an ointment that must be applied in the place where the bug is housed. It is generally recommended to use the medication 3 to 4 times a day for approximately 7 days.

However, even if treatment with medication is being done according to the doctor's guidance, there may be an increase in itching in the region. In such cases, it is recommended to pass a small piece of ice in the region, as the ice acts as an analgesic, reducing the discomfort.

To prevent the entry of new animals on the skin it is recommended to avoid walking barefoot, especially in the backyard of the house, on the ground or in places where there are domestic animals. See how to get the bug upright.

Why not use tweezers or scissors at home

It is not recommended to try to remove the bug from standing at home, as it may contain several eggs inside, and when removed inappropriately it can leave them inside the skin, causing a lot of itching and infection. The standing bug can still carry the tetanus and gangrene bacillus and cause even more problems when it is not properly treated.

In addition, any type of procedure is contraindicated due to the chance of infection by other microorganisms that may be present on the skin, in the environment or even in the forceps and scissors.

How to get your bug out at home safely