Home Bulls How to take 1000 gainers to increase muscles

How to take 1000 gainers to increase muscles


To take Gainers 1000, a supplement whose main substance is Maltodextrin, just add 40 mg of this supplement in a blender in a glass of skimmed milk or water and beat well. After diluted, you should drink this portion 3 times a day.

This supplement for oral use is indicated for those who want to increase body mass in a healthy way and to improve the performance of high-performance athletes. The action of Gainers 1000 also consists of providing the individual with the essential vitamins and minerals that are lost during intense physical activity, thus leaving him with more energy and away from the symptoms of fatigue.

Indications of Gainers 1000

Increase body weight; unbalanced diets or lack of supplements.

Gainers 1000 price

A bottle of 800 g of Gainers 1000 costs approximately 35 reais.

Side Effects of Gainers 1000

No side effects were found.

Contraindications for Gainers 1000

Diabetic patients; active ulcer; gastrointestinal disorders; individuals who are restricted to the use of proteins; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to take 1000 gainers to increase muscles