Home Bulls Lactobacillus leaflet in capsules

Lactobacillus leaflet in capsules


Acidophilic lactobacilli is a probiotic supplement used to fight vaginal infections, as it helps to replenish the bacterial flora in this location, eliminating the fungi that cause candidiasis, for example.

To treat recurrent vaginal infections it is necessary to take 1 to 3 capsules of acidophilic lactobacilli, every day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for 1 month and then evaluate the results.

But in addition to this natural remedy to prevent vaginal reinfections it is important to avoid eating very sweet and refined foods because they favor the growth of fungi, such as candida, which is responsible for most vaginal infections. Check out what to eat to cure candidiasis faster.


The price of Lactobacillus acidophils varies between 30 to 60 reais and can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores, health food stores or online stores.

What is it for

Lactobacillus acidophils is indicated for the treatment of vaginal infections. In addition, this probiotic works by improving the functioning of the intestines, decreasing the risk of cancer and increasing immunity.

How to use

The way of using Lactobacillus acidophils consists of taking 1 to 3 capsules a day, during meals or at the doctor's discretion.

Side effects

Side effects of Lactobacillus acidophils include metabolic acidosis and infection.


There are no contraindications, but its use in the elderly, children and pregnant women should only be done under medical guidance.

Other home remedies to treat vaginal infections:

Lactobacillus leaflet in capsules