Home Bulls How to take maltodextrin to gain muscle mass

How to take maltodextrin to gain muscle mass


Maltodextrin is a type of complex carbohydrate that is produced by the enzymatic transformation of corn starch. This substance contains dextrose in its composition that allows slow absorption to occur after ingestion, providing energy over time.

Thus, maltodextrin is commonly used by athletes of high resistance sports, such as football players or cyclists, for example, as it guarantees better performance and delays the onset of tiredness.

However, as this substance also prevents the body from using proteins to produce energy, it can also be used by those who work out in the gym, helping with muscle growth.

Price and where to buy

This supplement can be purchased in some supermarkets and food supplement stores, with a price that can vary between 9 and 25 reais for each Kg of product, depending on the selected brand.

How to take

The way to use maltodextrin varies according to the type of person and the goal, and should always be guided by a nutritionist. However, general recommendations indicate:

  • Increase endurance: take before and during training; Increase muscle mass: take after training.

The dose is normally up to 20 grams of maltodextrin to 250 mL of water, and this supplement should only be taken on training days.

For those looking to do hypertrophy, in addition to taking this supplement, it is also recommended to use BCAA's, Whey protein or creatine, for example, which should only be taken with the guidance of a nutritionist. Learn more about the supplements indicated to increase muscle mass.

Possible health risks

The consumption of this substance does not normally pose any health risk. However, unintended and excessive use can lead to weight gain, as excess energy from carbohydrates in the body is stored as fat.

In addition, when more supplement is consumed than indicated, there may be an increase in kidney function which, in people with a family history of kidney disease, may increase the risk of developing kidney failure.

Who should not take

As a type of carbohydrate, this supplement should be used with caution in people with diabetes or overweight, for example.

How to take maltodextrin to gain muscle mass