To take Tribulus to increase muscle mass it is recommended to take 2 capsules of this supplement daily, one before breakfast and the other after dinner.
This supplement is made from a medicinal plant called tribulus terrestris, and can be purchased at pharmacies and health food stores with a price that can vary between 40 and 270 reais per package.
Tribulus indications
Tribulus is indicated to gain muscle mass, increase the production of sperm, fight impotence and stimulate sexual appetite, besides being beneficial in the treatment of colds, flu and herpes.
Contraindications of Tribulus
Tribulus is contraindicated in patients with heart problems, such as heart disease and hypertension.
Side Effects of Tribulus
It can cause mild gastrointestinal problems, such as feeling sick, diarrhea or constipation. When used in excess, it can cause hormonal imbalance and increase stress.