Home Bulls Melxi



Melxi is a herbal medicine especially indicated for children that facilitates the exit of phlegm and favors its elimination.

This remedy has in its composition extracts of pineapple fruit, which are responsible for acting on the trachea and bronchi, fluidizing the secretions produced, which favors their elimination and the mucus exit.


The price of Melxi varies between 25 and 40 reais, and can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores or online stores, without the need for a prescription to buy this medicine.

How to take

Melxi is especially suitable for children and the recommended doses depend on the child's age:

  • Over 1 year of age: the recommended dose is 2.5 ml, taken 3 times a day. Between 1 and 8 years of age: the recommended dose is 5.0 ml, taken 3 times a day. Over 8 years of age: the recommended dose is 10 ml, taken 3 times a day.

Side effects

The medicine leaflet does not mention possible side effects, but in some cases allergy reactions to the medication may appear with symptoms such as redness, itching, red pellets or swelling of the skin.


Melxi is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age and patients with allergies to Bromelain or any of the components of the formula.

In addition, before starting treatment with Melxi, you should talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have diabetes or are being treated with other medicines.
