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Alprostadil for erectile dysfunction


Alprostadil is a medicine for erectile dysfunction through an injection directly at the base of the penis, which at an early stage must be done by the doctor or nurse but after some training the patient can do it alone at home.

This medicine can be sold under the name Caverjet or Prostavasin, usually in the form of an injection, but currently there is also an ointment that must be applied to the penis.

Alprostadil works as a vasodilator and therefore dilates the penis, increasing and prolonging erection and treating erectile dysfunction.

Alprostadil price

Alprostadil costs on average 50 to 70 reais.

Indications of Alprostadil

Alprostadil is used for erectile dysfunction of neurological, vascular, psychogenic or mixed origin and is applied in most cases by injection.

The maximum recommended frequency of administration is 3 times a week, at least with an interval of 24 hours between each dose, and the erection usually starts about 5 to 20 minutes after the injection.

Side Effects of Alprostadil

The medication can cause, after the injection, mild to moderate pain in the penis, small bruises or bruising at the injection site, prolonged erection, which can last between 4 to 6 hours, fibrosis and rupture of the blood vessels in the penis which can cause bleeding and, in some cases, can lead to muscle spasms.

How to use Alprostadil

Alprostadil should only be used after medical advice and its frequency should be guided by the responsible physician, however, generally, the dose used is between 1.25 and 2.50 mcg with an average dose of 20 mcg and a maximum dose of 60 mcg.

The medicine is administered by an injection directly into the penis, into the cavernous bodies of the penis, which are at the base of the penis and the injection should not be given close to veins, as it increases the risk of bleeding.

The first injections must be administered by a doctor or nurse, but after some training, the patient can do it autonomously at home without difficulty.

The medicine is powdered and needs to be prepared before being applied and, it is important to go to the doctor, every 3 months to assess the situation.

How to prepare the injection

Before taking the injection, you must prepare the injection, and you must:

  1. Aspirate the liquid in the package with a syringe, which contains 1 ml of water for injections; Mix the liquid in the bottle containing the powder; Fill a syringe with the medicine and apply to the penis with a 3/8 needle to a half inch gauge between 27 and 30.

To give the injection, the individual must sit with his back supported and give the injection to the penis, avoiding bruised or bruised places.

How to store Alprostadil

To store the medicine, it must be stored in the refrigerator, at 2 to 8 ° C and protected from light, and must never be frozen.

In addition, after preparing the solution, it can be stored at room temperature, always below 25 ° C for up to 24 hours.

Contraindications to Alprostadil

Alprostadil is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to alprostadil or any other component, patients with priapism, such as patients with sickle cell anemia, myeloma or leukemia.

In addition, patients with deformities in the penis, such as curvature, fibrosis or Peyronie's disease, patients with penile prostheses or all patients who have a contraindication to sexual activity.

Alprostadil for erectile dysfunction