Home Bulls Zidovudine (retrovir azt)

Zidovudine (retrovir azt)


Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug widely used in the treatment of HIV patients to decrease the chances of developing infections, and is not a way to cure the disease.

Zidovudine can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the brand name Retrovir AZT, Zidovir or Revirax, for example, in the form of syrup or tablets.

Indications for zidovudine

Zidovudine is indicated for the treatment of patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In addition, it can also be used prophylactically in individuals at high risk of acquiring HIV, due to occupational exposure.

How to use zidovudine

How to use zidovudine consists of ingesting 100 mg every 4 hours, up to 600 mg per day. In children, the dose should be calculated and indicated by the pediatrician.

Side effects of zidovudine

The main side effects of zidovudine include anemia, changes in blood test, headache, excessive tiredness, chills, swelling of the lips, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, gas, mouth ulcers, rectal bleeding, joint pain, cough, shortness of breath and acne.

Contraindications for zidovudine

Zidovudine is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to zidovudine or any other component of the drug's formula.

Zidovudine (retrovir azt)