Home Bulls Femina



Femina is a contraceptive pill that contains the active substances ethinyl estradiol and progestogen desogestrel, being used to prevent pregnancy and regularize menstruation.

Femina is produced by Achée laboratories and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in packs of 21 tablets.

Femina Price

The price of Femina can vary between 20 and 40 reais, depending on the number of cards included in the product box.

Indications of Femina

Femina is indicated as contraceptive and to regulate the woman's menstruation.

How to use Femina

The way to use Femina consists of using 1 tablet a day, at the same time, without interruption for 21 days, followed by a 7-day break. The first dose should be taken on the 1st day of menstruation.

What to do if you forget to take Femina

When forgetting is less than 12 hours from the usual time, take the forgotten tablet and take the next tablet at the correct time. In this case, the contraceptive effect of the pill is maintained.

When forgetting is more than 12 hours of the usual time, the following table should be consulted:

Forgetfulness week

What to do? Use another contraceptive method? Is there a risk of becoming pregnant?
1st week Wait for the usual time and take the forgotten pill along with the following Yes, in the 7 days after forgetting Yes, if sexual intercourse has occurred in the 7 days prior to forgetting
2nd week Wait for the usual time and take the forgotten pill along with the following Yes, in the 7 days after forgetting There is no risk of pregnancy
3rd week

Choose one of the following options:

  1. Take the forgotten pill immediately and take the rest at the usual time. Start the new card as soon as you finish the current one without pausing between cards.

    Stop taking the pills from the current pack, take a 7-day break, counting on the day of forgetfulness and start a new pack

It is not necessary to use another contraceptive method There is no risk of pregnancy

When more than 1 tablet from the same pack is forgotten, consult a doctor.

When vomiting or severe diarrhea occurs 3 to 4 hours after taking the tablet, it is recommended to use another method of contraception during the next 7 days.

Side effects of Femina

The main side effects of Femina can be bleeding outside menstruation, vaginal infections, urinary infections, thromboembolism, tenderness in the breasts, nausea, vomiting and increased blood pressure.

Contraindications for Femina

Femina is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the formula, pregnancy, severe hypertension, liver problems, vaginal bleeding, risk of cardiovascular disease or porphyria.

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